Where Climate and Migration Meet
Afghanistan: End of the 20-Year U.S.-Led Intervention
Human-Centered Agenda to the Future of Work
CDC and the Global Health Agenda
Technology and Democracy: Threat or Promise?

Climate-induced displacement has been particularly difficult for those developing countries in Central America despite the fact that the region has always faced environmental challenges. What has been the effect of climate change?

A. Climate change has amplified the already difficult weather patterns of the region

B. Climate change has led to increased rainfall, helping farmers cultivate land in the Dry Corridor 

C. Climate change has created brand new weather patterns of which farmers are unaccustomed to

D. Climate change’s impact has been small due to the already volatile climate of Central America


What is a concern that Russia holds regarding the reemergence of the Taliban?

A. The Taliban will expand Chinese influence further in Central Asia at their expense

B. The Taliban will prevent the expansion of Russian influence into South Asia

C. The Taliban will refuse to open diplomatic relations with Moscow

D. Potential violence and terrorism could spill over to Russia’s secular Central Asian allies


The ILO’s Fair Recruitment Initiative seeks to prevent forced labour of migrants, protect migrant workers from abuse and exploitation, and respond to labour market needs. Which of the following groups have had a key role to play in the success of this Initiative:

A. Associations of human resources professionals

B. Journalists and media professionals

C. Economists

D. None of the above


Where has the lack of a multilateral approach to the pandemic been the most detrimental?

A. The distribution of vaccines across the world

B. The development of vaccines

C. The containment of the third wave of the pandemic

D. The funding for organizations and initiatives such as COVAX


What is not true regarding China and Russia’s cyber activities in Europe?

A. China has sought to increase influence in Europe through influencing politicians and cyber disinformation/hacking campaigns

B. Russia has conducted hack-and-dump operations to influence European elections

C. Russia has sought to embed its own technology companies into the greater European cyberinfrastructure

D. NATO and its members are working to increase cyber security and counter Chinese and Russian activities


Why is climate change described as ‘the ultimate threat multiplier’ as it relates to Africa?

A. Climate change will force the majority of displaced individuals to migrate to Europe, creating new threats to other countries and continents

B. Climate change will cause an overreliance on multilateral organizations 

C. Pressures from climate change will overstretch resources, thus worsening socio-economic and political situations

D. Urbanization caused by climate change will always lead to worsening poverty and conflict


How does the Pakistani-Indian rivalry concern Afghanistan?

A. Pakistan wants to ensure its access to natural gas while India want to counter Chinese influence

B. Pakistan wants to ensure that it is not encircled by India and Afghanistan while India wants to make sure that Afghanistan can’t be used as a terrorist platform

C. Pakistan wants to use the Taliban against Iran while India wants to establish new military bases in Afghanistan

D. The rivalry doesn’t extend into Afghanistan as neither side has the power to influence the country


The largest percentage of the world’s international migrant workers are found in three regions of the world. Which is NOT one of these regions?

A. Northern America

B. Sub-saharan Africa

C. Europe

D. Arab States


Why is India crucial for recovery from the pandemic?

A. India is a major vaccine producer and exporter, especially to developing countries

B. India is one of the main financial contributors to vaccine R&D

C. India has proven to be one of the most successful at containing the spread of the virus

D. India doesn’t have the capacity to produce vaccines, making its large population especially vulnerable


What is the NSO Group’s “Pegasus”?

A. One of the most advanced spywares in the world, sold to government clients

B. An advanced spyware used by China against the Hong Kong protests

C. A cyber disinformation campaign targeted at Palestinian groups

D. An advanced spyware used exclusively by Israel


Which is not a viable response for adapting to climate change in West Africa?

A. Increased investment into coastal areas to limit erosion

B. Introduce modern agricultural practices and crop varieties more resistant to climate change 

C. Encouraging further migration from the Sahel to the coast in order to allow individuals to escape areas more affected by climate change

D. Diversifying economic development away from weather-dependent industries


Roughly how many refugees have fled Afghanistan as a result of the long conflict?

A. Roughly 6.9 million, the largest refugee population in the world

B. Roughly 2.6 million, the third-largest refugee population behind Venezuela and Syria

C. Nearly 6 million, the second-largest refugee population behind Syria

D. Roughly 400,000, mostly residing now in Pakistan


When people lack social protection, they are left vulnerable to which of the following:

A. Poverty and food insecurity

B. Job loss

C. Political instability

D. All of the above


What are some problems plaguing Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine?

A. The vaccine is proving mostly ineffective against the pandemic

B. Few countries have been willing to purchase the vaccine due to a general distrust of Russia

C. RDIF has been accused of overpricing vaccines and failing to deliver promised doses

D. Russian domestic demand for the vaccine has eliminated the supply for exporting


How should democracies respond to the misinformation campaigns of authoritarian regimes?

A. By using their tactics and launching counter-disinformation campaigns

B. By refusing to engage with these under-handed tactics

C. Through cooperation with other democracies in campaigns for truth and free information

D. Through cyber attacks on the cyberinfrastructure of these regimes


How would food security be affected by climate change in South and Southeast Asia?

A. Increased rainfall will lead to increased yields, increasing food security

B. A change in climate could lead to decreased production of food, thus increasing prices and decreasing availability 

C. Food security will fall mostly around the consumption of cattle and meats due to a loss in pastures

D. Food security will not be greatly affected


What is China’s main concern in regard to the rise of Islamic militarism and the Taliban’s takeover in Afghanistan?

A. The Taliban will renege on promises of economic cooperation

B. Afghanistan will support anti-Socialist policies in the region

C. Radical and militaristic interpretations of Islam could spill into China

D. Afghanistan will ally with India in opposition to China


Despite their official designation as “essential”, most low-paid workers cannot effectively do their jobs through:

A. Political turmoil

B. Economic hardships

C. Global pandemics or natural disasters

D. Computing platforms (virtually)


What is meant by “Threat-Based Resource Allocation”?

A. Governments should allocate resources to those groups most affected by the pandemic like the elderly

B. More resources should allocate by the WHO to countries more at risk of starting infections

C. Governments should allocate more resources to preparing against potential pandemics before they happen

D. Resources should be devoted to specific industries to incentivize the production of vaccine technology


What is a major concern regarding the use of biometric voting systems in Africa?

A. It will give foreign companies who provide these services too much power

B. There are no major foreign backers willing to support these voting reforms

C. Protections of personal data are weak, making data privacy breaches and violations highly likely

D. All of the above


As pressures from climate change intensify, who are more likely to migrate first in search of better opportunities?

A. Men, many of whom leave their families behind, to provide for them by getting jobs overseas

B. Women and children who are funded by their spouses or parents to find safety abroad

C. Ethnic minorities who have large diaspora networks abroad

D. The wealthy and elite of the country


Who made up the original Taliban?

A. Iran-backed mujahideen from the Khorasan region  

B. Young Afghan mujahideen fighters educated in Pakistani madrassas

C. Veteran mujahideen fighters who supported Ahmad Shah Massoud

D. Members of Al Qaeda


According to the one of the ILO’s social partners, the Solidarity Center, disruptions in global supply chains caused by COVID-19 exposed some negative aspects of globalization in the world of work, including which of the following:

A. High levels of unemployment

B. Increased migration

C. An imbalance of power between workers and multinational corporations

D. None of the above


What is Operation Warp Speed?

A. An operation conducted by the CDC for global distributions of vaccines

B. A public-private partnership for the production of vaccines and technologies necessary to distribute cures

C. An initiative for the containment of the pandemic via lockdowns during its early states

D. All of the above


Which country exempts social media companies from liability but often compels the removal of content and enacts internet shutdowns?

A. India

B. Saudi Arabia

C. Russia

D. Brazil