The number of days the world was created in
Garden of Eden
Who deceived Eve with lie and temptation?
The place where Jesus was born
This man did not die in the belly of a fish
In whose image was the man created?
Who is the helper of Adam?
What was the forbidden tree in the garden of eden?
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil
This angel spoke to the virgin Mary
Jesus' first miracle
turning water into wine
How did God create the heaven and the earth?
By His 'Word'
What is the name Adam gave to Eve?
Woman (coz she is taken from a man)
What happened when Adam and Eve ate the fruit forbidden by God?
They realized they were naked
What is the meaning of the name "Immanuel"?
God with us
What is Mary, Martha's sister chose?
The best portion - to be at the feet of Jesus.
How did call the 'light' and the 'darkness'?
Day and Night
Where did the first marriage happen?
In the garden of Eden
I will put an enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers,
he will crush your head and you will strike his heel
God said this to whom?
The serpent
What showed the way to the wise man to find Jesus?
A star
The city where God knocked the walls down when the Israelites walked around it
walls of Jericho
How did God see everything he created?
God saw them that it was good
What are the trees found in the middle of the garden?
Tree of Life
Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil
What happens when we sin?
We hide from God and are away from God
Why was Jesus born?
He was born to redeem us from the bondage of sin, that gripped the world due to mankind's fall in Garden of Eden
This man had a encounter at the 'burning bush'