Populist Movement
The Urbanization of America
World War I & Roaring 20s
Great Depression and New Deal

The Populist Party was established in the 1890s to?

What is protect the political and economic interests of farmers and laborers?


What is this cartoon depicting? 

What is Major industry is in control of much of American government and society?


What was the major cause for the entry of the U.S. into World War I?

What is Germany's decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare?


Why did U.S. banks fail during the 1930s?

What is too much money was loaned out to people for risky investments?


Unstable economy, Overproduction of agriculture products, Instability of the Stock Market, Tight monetary policy of the Federal Reserve. All of these items led directly to what event?

What is the Great Depression?


One of the ways in which labor unions achieve their goals is by negotiating on behalf of all their members. What is the term for this?

What is Collective Bargaining? 


During the Great Migration, thousands of African Americans looking for economic opportunities moved from?

What is South to North? 


The 1920s saw immense changes in popular culture because of the two new technologies of?

What is Motion Picture and the Radio? 


The runs on banks during the Great Depression worsened the country's economic situation how?

What is it caused many banks to close and created an even greater shortage of money?


The Red Scare following World War I was caused primarily by what event?

What is the Russian Revolution?


What was William Jennings Bryan advocating for in his "Cross of Gold" speech?

What is Bimetallism? 

  • Assimilation
  • Blending together
  • Common culture

Are descriptors of what theory? 

What is the Melting Pot theory?


How were people able to make large purchases like a car in the 1920s?

What is Credit Buying?


In 1935, the elderly, physically disabled, and orphans began receiving government benefits following the passage of the?

What is the Social Security Act?


The primary reason the United States advocated the Open Door Policy was to?

What is to protect and broaden U.S. trade with China?


African American farmers moving west after the Civil War to escape Racism and Segregation in the South were called?

What is Exodusters?


A "nativist" of the late-1800s would have been MOST likely to supported what mentality?

What is a ban on immigration to the United States?


What was England and France's view of Woodrow Wilson’s “14 Points?” What did they think it lacked?

What is it did not do a good enough job at punishing the Germans through reparations and loss of territory and blaming them for WWI


Why did Americans overwhelmingly vote for FDR in the 1932 election?

What is many Americans wanted a change in leadership and did not support Herbert Hoover?


What was the main failure of the League of Nations? Why didn’t America join?

What is the U.S. did not join and because they did not want to be involved in a foreign government?


What act passed in 1862 encouraged Americans to move to the Great Plains for land?

What is the Homestead Act?


The Jungle was written by what famous Muckraker??

Who is Upton Sinclair? 


The 1920s was a period of economic prosperity for the United States as a result of?

What is WWI?


The purpose of the TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) was?

What is to provide electrical power to an underdeveloped region of the U.S.?


What was Theodore Roosevelt’s diplomatic policy and where as it applied?

What is Big Stick Diplomacy and it was successful in bringing parts of Latin America under control of the United States, including Cuba and the Panama Canal?