Fun Facts about John
Term Insurance
Permanent Insurance
Long Term Care Insurance

John currently lives in this town.

What is Pembroke?


True or False:  Term insurance is only available up to a maximum of 30 years.

What is False, now some carriers are offering 40 year products.


This type of insurance is like term insurance, does not accumulate significant cash value, but can last your entire life without going up in premium.

Universal Life


The best time (age) to buy long-term care insurance.

What is AARP recommends people begin looking into long-term care insurance in their 50s.


John works with these types of folks. 

What is individuals, families and/or businesses?


John Judkins did this job before he worked for New York Life?

Comcast - Sports marketing


The main disadvantage of term life insurance.

What is when you need a new policy later on in life, it can be more expensive.  When you buy a term life in your 20s or 30s it will be much cheaper compared to when you need to renew your policy later on in your 50s or 60s.


This is a type of permanent insurance gives you the ability to invest the cash value into the equity markets.

What is variable universal life.


True or False:  Long term care insurance is expensive.

What is True, long-term care insurance is expensive. A person who is 65 years old and in good health can expect to pay $2000 to $3000 a year for a policy that covers both nursing home care, and home care, with premiums adjusted annually for inflation.  The younger you are when you start long-term care insurance the less expensive the premiums will be, but you are likely to pay for a longer time before you need the benefits.


New York Life is this number on the Fortune 500.

What is 67?


True or False: John is left handed.

What is True


This happens at the end of a term life insurance policy.

What is when term life insurance expires, the policy simply expires, and no action needs to be taken by the policyholder. A notice is sent by the insurance carrier that the policy is no longer in effect, the policyholder stops paying the premiums, and there is no longer any potential death benefit.


This is a type of permanent life insurance gives you access to the death benefit to fund a long-term care event.

Hybrid permanent life insurance


True or False:  Medicare will help pay for long term care when I need it.

What is true, Medicare may pay a portion of the first 100 days in a nursing home, but nothing after that. Plus, it covers only "skilled" care at home, while most care needed at home is actually "custodial".


Named this BNI chapter, Boston One.

Who is Stephanie Petty?


John went to college in this state.

What is Vermont?


Name 3 of the 6 questions they ask when you apply for term life insurance?

What is Medical History, driving record, medication/prescriptions, age, hobbies, job, drug and alcohol history.


This is an option that you can add to any life insurance contract that will obligate the insurance carrier to pay the premiums if you were to become disabled.

What is waiver of premium?


True or false: Everyone needs and should have a long-term care insurance policy.

What is false? Among the population age 65 and older 52% will require long-term care during their lifetimes. Most long-term care, 83%, is provided by unpaid friends and relatives.


Name 2 types of insurance products that John offers. Hint: Check out category title!

What is life insurance, long term care insurance, individual disability insurance and/or annuities? 


John likes to do this when he is not working?

What is playing hockey or golf?


Dave Ramsey recommends people by this type of life insurance.

What is he recommends you purchase a term life insurance policy worth 10 to 12 times your annual income.


This is a type of life insurance contract that allows you to get all of your money back after 25 years, and or has the ability to continue for the rest of your life without a premium increase.

What is ROP or return of premium universal life?


True or False: Long-term care insurance mandatory in the state of Washington.

What is true, and the state enacted the long-term services and supports trust act designed to provide eligible residents with up to $100 per day with a maximum lifetime limit of $36,000.  


Has the best Zoom picture when not on camera.

Who is J Baggett?