
In this country, the Eiffel Tower stands tall over the capital city.

What is France?


The country in which we currently reside, made up of 50 semi-sovereign states.

What is the USA?


Pandas are a native species in this country, which is also one of the most populated countries in the world.

What is China?


The River Nile runs through this country, which is also home to ancient pyramids of civilization past.

What is Egypt?


Known for a particular type of cheese with holes, this small mountain country can be found in Central Europe.

What is Switzerland?

The Movie Encanto takes place in the lush green mountains of this country, which is also where our own Counselor Juanita is from!

What is Columbia?


This Island Nation is known for their delicious rice-wrapped fish; known as Sushi.

What is Japan?


This Country found in Central Africa contains lush, green rainforest - and boasts some of the richest resources found on the planet.

What is Congo?


This boot-shaped, Mediterranean country is world renowned for their pizza, pasta, and gelato.

What is Italy?


Our Neighbor to the South, this country used to be home to the Aztec people. They are also known for their cuisine (food), which is quite popular here in the United States!

What is Mexico?


This country in Southwest Asia (also sometimes known as Asia Minor or the Middle East) structures their weeks differently, working from Sun-Thurs instead of Mon-Fri. This is also where Counselor Yasmine is from!

What is Jordan?


The name of this country is very literal - being found at the very southern tip of Africa.

What is South Africa?


This Country in the Baltic-Sea region of Europe hails a flag of Black, White, and Blue. The capital city is Tallinn.

What is Estonia?


This Country is known for the largest River and Rainforest in the world - and is also where the movie Rio takes place.

What is Brazil?


This Asian country was home to what used to be the largest Empire ever to exist, between 1200-1400. They are known for their large grasslands, known as 'The Steppes'

What is Mongolia?


This African-Mediterranean country is neighbors to Spain, sharing the southern portion of the Straits of Gibraltar. 

What is Morocco?


This European island Country used to be known as the Empire where 'The Sun Never Sets'.

What is Britain/England/UK? (any)


This Country is actually neighbors to Antarctica, being home to the 'Drake Passage': The world's most dangerous sea passage.

What is Argentina?


This country in South Asia is the world's most populated country, and also is where the religion of Hinduism finds its origins. This country is also where Counselor Dinesh is from!

What is India?


This African Country was home to the Richest King to ever exist, Mansa Musa, in the 1300s. This country can be found in West Africa.

What is Mali?