West & North Africa
Central & East Africa
Southern Africa
Middle East

Explain the 4 social classes in Liberia.

Black American settlers, American slaves who were forced there against their will, "Congoes" (freed slaves from elsewhere in Africa), indigenous Liberians


Name one country in Central Africa colonized by Spain, Portugal, Britain, and France.

Spain: Equatorial Guinea

Portugal: Angola, São Tomé and Príncipe

Britain: Sudan, South Sudan

France: Gabon, Congo, DRC, Cameroon, CAR, Chad


Explain 3 laws passed by the apartheid government of South Africa and what they did.

Pass laws, Group Areas Act, Land Acts, Population Registration Act, Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act


What empire was Palestine a part of for more than 400 years? What other empire had a mandate over Palestine until 1948?

Ottoman Empire, Britain


Explain what an authoritarian regime is and name one country in North Africa that is an authoritarian regime.

A country in which all political power is concentrated in one person. Examples: Algeria, Libya, Egypt


Explain two consequences of Francisco Macías Nguema's rule in Equatorial Guinea that EG is still dealing with today.

He murdered or exiled most of the educated population, he burned most of the country's money, his nephew is still ruling the country as a brutal dictator


What event led to the Sharpeville massacre of 1960?

Protests against pass laws


Name the two pieces of historic Palestine that remained Palestinian after the Nakba and explain what happened to each of them after the Nakba.

The West Bank was annexed by Jordan, while the Gaza Strip was occupied by Egypt


Explain what a hybrid regime is and give an example of a North African country that is a hybrid regime.

A country that combines elements of democracy with elements of authoritarianism. Examples: Morocco, Tunisia


Explain what the Berlin Conference of 1884 did and who organized it

King Leopold II of Belgium organized the conference in order to divide Africa into European colonies.


Name the country South Africa invaded in 1915 and later annexed (bonus points if you can name when it was given independence)

Namibia (1990)


What was the piece of Syria that Israel captured in 1967 and what has it done with it since then?

Golan Heights. It was annexed by Israel and filled with settlements in 1981.


Explain irrendentism, explain how irrendentism led to war between Morocco and Algeria, and explain the result of irredentism in Western Sahara.

The belief that a country should reclaim land that may have once belonged to it. Morocco claimed parts of Algeria as its own and invaded it. Morocco also claimed all of Western Sahara and has occupied it to this day.


Explain why the Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda didn't get along and what event began the Rwandan genocide

The German and Belgian colonizers gave the Hutus too much power in order to help them rule Rwanda more easily. When the Hutu Rwandan president's plane was shot down, the Hutu-led government called for the genocide of the Tutsis.


Explain what event led to the Soweto uprising.

Protests against Afrikaans in Black schools, which were met with violence from police.


What was the piece of Egypt captured by Israel in 1967? What did Israel do there? What happened to it in 1982?

Sinai Peninsula. Israel built illegal settlements and moved its citizens there. It dismantled the settlements and gave the Sinai back to Egypt in 1982.


Explain what the International Court of Justice ruled on Morocco and Mauritania's claims to Western Sahara.

They ruled that both countries had historical claims to the land, but neither claim negated the Sahrawi people's right to self-determination


Explain the gacaca traditional justice system in Rwanda and how it was used after the genocide.

The gacaca system put accused criminals in front of a group of village leaders, who would hear evidence and make a decision on their guilt. So many people participated in the genocide that they were divided into two categories: those who committed serious crimes, like murder, sexual assault, or enabling the genocide were sent to the court system, while those who committed assault or robbery were tried in the gacaca system.


Explain the Bantu Homelands Citizenship Act.

It made the Bantustans, the poor-quality land reserved for Black South Africans, independent without their consent, stripping their residents of their South African citizenship.


What was the name of the 1993 agreement between Israel and the PLO? What did it do to the West Bank? How was each area of the West Bank governed?

Oslo Accords. Divided it into Area A, Area B, Area C. Area A was controlled fully by the Palestinian Authority. The PA controlled civil matters in Area B while Israel controlled military matters. Area C was fully controlled by Israel.