This continent contains the USA, Mexcio, & Canada.
North America
This country is known for building pyramids and the Nile river.
Another name for body of freshwater.
Lake or River
What is an area of land with common features?
A region
What is the name of the Holly book for Christianity?
The Bible
This continent is extremely cold and has little to no population.
This place is in South America and is known for celebrating Carnival.
This physical feature is made by the movement of tectonic plates.
When a large group of people move from area to another
Who is the founder of Islam?
This continent contains Italy, Germany, France, the UK and many more.
This country bombed the USA during pearl harbor, and is known for anime.
A flat piece of land is also known as what?
Plain or Plateau
What is the name of the place on the earth that marks the warmest part.
The Equator
Where is the world is Islam most popular?
North Africa
This continent contains Argentina, Peru, Brazil, and many more.
South America
This country is known to have gone head to head with the USA during the cold war.
Islands are created by what physical process?
Volcanic Eruption
What is the name of the group that was created to promote peace after world war 2?
UN - United Nations
What is the number one language in the world?
Mandarin (Chinese)
This continent contains Egypt, Congo, Ethiopia, Sudan and many more.
This country is known to have birthed the most three biggest religions Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.
Saudi Arabia
What is the name of the outside layer of mixed gasses that surround the earth?
The atmosphere
What type of government allows people to elect Representatives to make laws/decisions for them?
A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God.