Sub-Saharan Africa
The Middle East
South and East Asia
Oceania, Australia, and Antarctica

The Sahara Desert is roughly the size of what country?

The United States.


List three words borrowed from Arabic.

Zero, sofa, algebra.

What is a worldview?

How a person understands themselves and the world around them.


What are the five primary religions/philosophies of South and East Asia?

Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, Shintoism, and Christianity.


Is there any life on Antarctica? If so, who or what?

Some animals and plant life. As well as scientists who it.


What is desertification? 

When the desert expands and takes over non-desert land. 


Ancient Egyptian was originally carved into stone. These were called, what?



What are the five communist countries in the world?

China, Vietnam, North Korea, Laos, and Cuba.


Why is the Silk Road trade significant?

It was one of the first trade routes to connect the East and West. Thus trading not only goods, but also cultures and languages. 


Who were some of the first colonists in Australia?

After the Dutch was prisoners from Britain. 


What are the three primary methods of living in Sub-Saharan Africa?

Farming, city life, nomadic herding.

Saudi Arabia became one of the world's leading oil exporters. Why is this significant? 

Because it gives them economic power.


What is the only continent to stretch from the northern to the southern temperate zones?



Who was Genghis Khan and what did he do?

He was a Mongolian general who conquered almost all of modern day China, parts of the Middle East, and into Europe. 


In 1971, several islands formed the Pacific Islands Forum. What is its purpose?

To facilitate economic and political cooperation between islands. 


What was the Berlin Conference and why is it significant? 

It was a collection of European powers who decided territory marks between them. These lines still influence country lines in Africa today.


Why do many countries in Central Asia struggle to find a national identity? 

Because they only recently gained independence from the Soviet Union.


How many continents are in the world and how many countries? 

7 continents, and 195 universally accepted countries. 


List 5 languages spoken in South and East Asia and a unique trait about each. 

Chinese - a pictographic writing system.

Japanese - is a syllabic language.

Korean - the alphabet mimics the mouth.

Vietnamese - has five tones.

Sanskrit - not used in common conversation. 


In 1959, the Arctic Treaty was signed by over 50 countries. What does this Treaty do?

It maintains Antarctica as a place for scientific research and protects it from resource extraction.


Why are there so many pidgin languages in Africa?

Because there are so many languages spoken so close together, people tend to mix multiple languages together in order to communicate with one another.


Since 2011 there have been massive protests all over North Africa, why?

They are fighting against totalitarianism and for democracy. 


Name a famous monument from each continent of the world.


List two similarities and differences between the Korean War and the Vietnam War.

Similarities: Both civil wars, north supported by communists, south supported by the U.S.

Differences: Korea ended in a split, Vietnam ended in unification with the northern victory. 


What does Indonesia’s slogan, “Unity in Diversity” mean? And why did they come up with it?

Because people are so diverse, the people are unified by the fact that they are diverse and not simply by one quality.