Industrial Revolution
French Revolution

These are the factors of production

What are land, labor and capital


The French estate system was made up of these groups

What are the 1st, 2nd and 3rd estate


Name of the philosopher who thought people needed an absolute ruler to keep them in check

Who is Thomas Hobbes


Absolute rulers believed this idea granted them complete control over their country

What is divine right, that God created the monarchy and the monarch was God's representative on Earth.

These are the three reasons (Gs) for the Age of Exploration

What are God, gold and glory


This man is considered the father of capitalism

Who is Adam Smith


They were the king and queen of France before the French Revolution

Who were Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette


Philosopher John Locke thought all people were born with these natural, or unalienable, rights.

What are life, liberty and property.


This French King referred to himself as the "Sun King", and spent his countrymen's money freely on himself

Who is Louis XIV


The global transfer of foods, plants and animals from the Americas to the rest of the world is known as this

What is the Colombian Exchange


The building of cities and the mass migration of people to cities during the Industrial Revolution was known as what?

What is Urbanization


High taxes, rising bread prices, lavish spending by the monarch and Enlightened ideas challenging tradition were examples of what?

What is problems in France before the Revolution


Finish this Voltaire quote: "I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death..."

What is "...your right to say it".


The name of the Sun King's palace outside of Paris, which came to represent the lavish spending of France's absolute monarchs

What is the Palace of Versailles

These are ways in which Christianity, Islam and Judaism are similar

What are their monotheistic and Abrahamic attributes


Along with Friedrich Engels, he co-wrote the Communist Manifesto.

Who is Karl Marx

This is a reason why revolutionaries and new governments in France still came up against old problems 

What is different ideas held by different leading groups of revolutionaries

This branch of the U.S government benefited most from the enlightened ideas of Cesare Beccaria.

What is the Judicial Branch


This absolute ruler of Russia was a member of the Romanov Dynasty, pushed Russia towards westernization, and built a city that bared his name on the back Russian serfs.

Who is Peter the Great


This man and his 95 Thesis started the splitting up of, or Reformation, of the Catholic Church in 1517

Who is Martin Luther


These are Adam Smith's Natural Laws of Economics

What are Self-Interest, Competition and Supply and Demand


Name for the type of power grab performed by Napoleon in 1799

What is a coup d'etat


America's Founding Fathers used this Montesquieu idea to help create the three branches of U.S. government

What is separation of powers (checks and balances)


Henry the VIII of England used his absolute powers to create this, which aided him in getting a divorce from his first wife

What is the Church of England


This invention greatly helped the spread of the Protestant Reformation

What is the printing press