African Colonization
Opium Wars
Boxer Rebellion
English Civil War
French Revolution

Name two Imperialist European nations who colonized Africa?

Great Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Spain


Name one country that fought against China in the Opium Wars?

  • Great Britain
  • France
  • United States

Where did the name “Boxers” come from?

A secret martial arts society.


What three things did Enlightenment thinker John Locke define as natural rights?

  • Life
  • Liberty
  • Property


Name the three estates.

  • 1. Clergy
  • 2. Nobility
  • 3. Everyone else

Which two nations had control of the largest amount of territory?

  • Britain
  • France
  • Portugal
  • Germany
  • Belgium
  • Italy
  • Spain

Why was China unprepared to fight the Opium Wars?

Chinese troops, using antiquated guns and cannons, and with limited naval ships, were largely ineffective against the British.


What part did Christian missionaries play in the rebellion?

  • Christian missionary activities helped provoke the Boxers
  • Christian converts flouted traditional Chinese ceremonies and family relations
  • Missionaries pressured local officials to side with Christian converts—often from the lower classes—in local lawsuits and property disputes.

What were the two main parties at war with each other during the English Civil War?

  • Charles I
  • Parliament

Why did King Louis XVI call for the Estates General to assemble?

He needed money to cover war debts from France's support of the American Revolution and a declining economy.


The only way to liberate Africa, believed Missionary-explorer David Livingstone was to introduce the 'three Cs'. What are the three Cs?

  • Commerce
  • Christianity
  • Civilization

What was the name of the British trading company that transported opium to China?

British East India Company


What were the Boxers fighting against?

Foreign occupation


What did Parliament most want from the king?

More power and say in the government.


What was the Tennis Court Oath?

The deputies of the Third Estate, realizing that in any attempt at reform they would be outvoted by the two privileged orders, the clergy and the nobility, formed, on June 17, 1789 a National Assembly.


What was the purpose of the Berlin Conference?

The Berlin Conference of 1884-1885, convened by Otto von Bismarck to discuss the future of Africa, had the stamping out slavery high on the agenda.

In truth, the strategic and economic objectives of the colonial powers, such as protecting old markets and exploiting new ones, were far more important.

The Berlin Conference began the process of carving up Africa, paying no attention to local culture or ethnic groups, and leaving people from the same tribe on separate sides of European-imposed borders.


Where did the opium come from that the British East India Company moved into China?



Why did the strength of the Boxers increase in northern China?

  • Growing economic impoverishment
  • A series of unfortunate natural calamities
  • Unbridled foreign aggression in the area

Who were the Roundheads?

Parliament's military forces.

Who led the Committee for Public Safety during the Reign of Terror?

Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre


What area of Africa did King Leopold II of Belgium control as his own personal territory?

The Congo


What did Lin Zexu do that led to the first Opium War?

  • Banned the opium trade and to cracked down on its use
  • Arrested over 1,600 Chinese dealers
  • Seized and destroyed tens of thousands of opium pipes
  • Demanded that foreign companies (British companies, in particular) turn over their supplies of opium in exchange for tea
  • Stopped all foreign trade and quarantined the area where foreign merchants were confined

What kinds of things did the Boxers do in Bejing that caused foreign countries to react by sending their military to capture Bejing?

  • Burned churches and foreign residences
  • Killed suspected Chinese Christians on sight

Who were the Cavaliers?

The military forces loyal to the king.


What French document proclaimed liberty, equality, the inviolability of property, and the right to resist oppression? 

Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen


What was the product King Leopold exploit in the Congo?



The first Opium War ended in 1842, when Chinese officials signed, at gunpoint, the Treaty of Nanjing. What extraordinary benefits did the British receive through the treaty?

  • an excellent deep-water port at Hong Kong;
  • a huge indemnity (compensation) to be paid to the British government and merchants;
  • five new Chinese treaty ports at Guangzhou (Canton), Shanghai, Xiamen (Amoy), Ningbo, and Fuzhou, where British merchants and their families could reside;
  • extraterritoriality for British citizens residing in these treaty ports, meaning that they were subject to British, not Chinese, laws; and
  • a “most favoured nation” clause that any rights gained by other foreign countries would automatically apply to Great Britain as well.

An international force of 19,000 was assembled to bring order to China during the Boxer Rebellion. Name one of the two countries that sent the most troops.

  • Japan
  • Russia

Which leader of the Roundheads declared himself "Lord Protector."

Oliver Cromwell


Following the Reign of Terror, executive power was placed in the hands of five men called what?

The constitution of the year III, which the National Convention had approved, placed executive power in a Directory of five members and legislative power in two chambers, the Council of Ancients and the Council of the Five Hundred (together called the Corps Législatif).


What estimated percentage of the Congolese population died as a result of Belgian forced labor to exploit rubber?

Demographers today estimate that the population of the Congo fell roughly by half over the 40-year period beginning in around 1880.


How did the Opium Wars contribute to China’s “Century of Humiliation?”

  • A sign that the Chinese state’s legitimacy and ability to project power were weakening.
  • Unequal treaties that western powers imposed on China undermined the ways China had conducted relations with other countries and its trade in tea.
  • Added to the cost to China in both silver and in the serious social consequences of opium addiction.

Who paid reparations and who received the reparation payments?

After extensive discussions, a protocol was finally signed in September 1901, ending the hostilities and providing for reparations to be made to the foreign powers by the Chinese government.


The Glorious Revolution brought whom to the throne of England?

  • William of Orange
  • Mary

The dysfunction of the Directory led to the authoritarian dictatorship of whom?

Napoleon Bonaparte.