World Wars
Historical Figures

Which event sparked the beginning of World War I? 

A)Bombing of Pearl Harbor
B) Invasion of Poland
C) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
D) Signing of the Treaty of Versailles

C) Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Who is called the “Father of History”?

A) Homer 

B) Socrates 

C) Aristotle 

D) Herodotus

D) Herodotus


Who is the American computer programmer and entrepreneur who cofounded Microsoft Corporation?

A) Tim Berners-Lee
B) Bill Gates
C) Steve Jobs
D) Mark Zuckerberg

B) Bill Gates


In what year did World War 1 start?

A) 1912 

B) 1914

C) 1918 

D) 1920

B) 1914


Which ancient Greek philosopher is known for his contributions to Western philosophy and his student, Aristotle?
A) Socrates
B) Plato
C) Pythagoras
D) Sophocles

B) Plato


Who is credited with inventing the telephone?
A) Thomas Edison

B) Nikola Tesla

C) Alexander Graham Bell

D) Guglielmo Marconi

C) Alexander Graham Bell


Which country was not part of the Allied Powers during World War II?
A) United States
B) United Kingdom
C) Italy
D) Soviet Union

C) Italy


Who was the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt, known for her relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony? 

A) Nefertiti
B) Cleopatra
C) Hatshepsut
D) Joan of Arc

B) Cleopatra


Who invented the modern alternating current (AC) electrical system?
A) Thomas Edison
B) Nikola Tesla
C) Alexander Graham Bell
D) James Watt

B) Nikola Tesla


Which nation was the first to declare war?

A) Germany 

B) Serbia 

C) Austria-Hungary

D) Soviet Union

C) Austria-Hungary


‘Bucephalus’ was the name of the horse of:

A) Alexander the Great 

B) Mark Antony 

C) Napoleon Boneparte

D) Julius Caesar

A) Alexander the Great


Which inventor developed the first practical steam engine? 

A) James Watt
B) Robert Fulton
C) George Stephenson
D) Thomas Newcomen

A) James Watt


What was the name of the German strategy of lightning warfare that was used during World War II?
A) Lebensraum

B) Final Solution

C) Anschluss 

D) Blitzkrieg

D) Blitzkrieg


Who was the first Roman Emperor

A) Claudius 

B) Nero 

C) Augustus 

D) Mark Antony

C) Augustus 


Who invented the first programmable mechanical computer, known as the Analytical Engine?
A) Charles Babbage
B) Ada Lovelace
C) Alan Turing
D) John von Neumann

A) Charles Babbage