Philosophical movement in the 18th century characterized by individual reason and political innovation
What is Enlightenment
This is the term for the 3 social classes of the Old Regime in France
What is an Estate
The last king of France before the French Revolution.Commissioned the construction of The Palace of Versailles
Who is King Lous XVI?
Members of the delegation swore an oath to establish a constitution. A pledge made by the Third Estate of France on June 20, 1789
What is the Tennis Court Oath
Natural and legal rights are two types of rights: legal rights are those bestowed onto a person by a given legal system, while natural rights are those not contingent upon the laws, customs, or beliefs of any particular culture or government, and therefore universal and inalienable. ...
What are natural rights
King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette lived extravagantly. Doubled France’ debt and banks refused to lend more money this are the reasons for what?
Calling of the assembly of the Estates General
Austrian-born queen of France; Louis XVI’s wife. AKA "Madam Defecit"
Who was Marie Antionette?
This philosopher was especially concerned with freedom of thought and expression. Also, he had a strong belief in religious tolerance and free speech.
Who is Voltaire?
This absolute monarch by building a strong army and generating wealth through colonies and trade.
Who was Louis XIV?
A governing body that represented the common people of France during the French Revolution. It was formed in 1789 by representatives of the Third Estate, or commoners.
What is the National Assembly
This person took power after the Jacobins were removed from power, Reign of Terror. The Directory was not able to bring order to France and was very corrupt.
Who is Napoleon?
This monarch imposed new reforms and adopting Western practices, after touring Western Europe in disguise
Who was Peter the Great of Russia
a fundamental document of the French Revolution and in the history of human rights, defining the individual and collective rights of all the estates of the realm as universal. It was modeled after the American Declaration of Independence.
What is The Declaration of the Rights of Man
The major and immediate effect of European powers formed an alliance to defeat France once and for all at the famous Battle of Waterloo in Belgium.
What was the Fall of Napoleon?
This radical political organization behind the 1792 governmental changes
Who are the Jacobins?