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In World war I, the region of northern france where the forces of the Allies and the central power battled each other.
What is western front?
In World war I, the region of northern france where the forces of the Allies and the central power battled each other.
What is western front?
In World war I, the region of northern france where the forces of the Allies and the central power battled each other.
What is western front?
In World war I, the region of northern france where the forces of the Allies and the central power battled each other.
What is western front?
In World war I, the region of northern france where the forces of the Allies and the central power battled each other.
What is western front?
A state (sometimes referred to as a client state) is a political term that refers to a country that is formally independent, but under heavy influence or control by another country.
What is Satellite nations?
Emerged from the shadow of Apartheid;
What is south africa?
Moved towards Detente; reduced tensions with russia
Who is Richard Nixon?
An international peacekeeping organization founded in 1945 to provide security to the nations of the world.
What is the United Nations?
The use of submarines to sink without warning any ship
Waht is unrestricted submarine warfare?
Soviet's leader who plotted missiles inside of cuba.
Who is Nikita khrushchev?
Used to indicate that someone or something has or has not come to the attention of a person or group.
What is radar?
A defensive military alliance formed in 1949 by ten western european nations, the united states, and canada.
What is NATO ( Nortrh Atlantic Treaty Organization)?
Poisonous gas or vapor, used esp. to disable an enemy in warfare.
What is poison gas?
It was the home of the Jews. Then the Romans conquered it and renamed it 'palestina' after the sea-faring Philistines, who had long since vanished. Although most of the Jews were then dispersed across the globe, some remained in the region and have lived there, continuously for the past 3000 years. The nation that we call Israel today is a tiny sliver of the region. Israel is the national, religious and spiritual home of the Jews.
What is palestine?
compensation (given or received) for an insult or injury;
What is reparations?
An agreement in which nations promise not to attack one another.
What is the nonagression pact?
The meeting of the Allied victors following the end of World War I to set the peace terms for Germany and other defeated nations, and to deal with the empires of the defeated powers following the Armistice of 1918.
What is the paris peace conference?
A ANC leader that was imprisoned for the attempt of banning apartheid. He later became the president of South Africa.
Who is Nelson Mandela?
An indian soldier serving under british command.
what is sepoy?
Government control over every aspect of public and private life.
What is totalitarianism?
supported by Russia, determined to create a large, independent Slavic state in the Balkans.
What is Serbia?
A 20th century artistic movement that focuses on the workings of the unconscious mind.
Germany's military plan at the outbreak of World War I, according to which German troops would rapidly defeat France and then move east to attack russia.
What is the Schlieffen plan?
The ___________ was formally established, with its national capital at Beijing. "The Chinese people have stood up!" declared Mao as he announced the creation of a "people's democratic dictatorship." The people were defined as a coalition of four social classes: the workers, the peasants, the petite bourgeoisie, and the national-capitalists.
What is the PRC, People's Republc of China?