Latin American
Early French Revolution
Middle-Late French Revolution
Haitian Revolution

The Age of _____________ was when philosophers focused on the natural rights of humans.

What is the Enlightenment?


Who was the major leader of the Latin American revolutions, specifically in the northern part of South America?

Simon Bolivar


Who was in the First, Second, and Third Estates? (describe EACH)

1 - What is the Clergy

2 - What is the Nobles

3 - What are the common peasants


This faction of the French Revolution was often considered the more moderate group and was represented by doctors, lawyers, and business owners. 

Who are the Girodin?


What made the Haitian Revolution a significant event in history?

First and only successful slave-led revolution that resulted in the creation of a country


According to the Enlightenment philosophers, what is the government's MAIN responsibility?

What is respecting and protecting people's natural god given rights


The nation that backed the Colombian Revolution?

Name the leader of this nation at the time?

What is Haiti?

Who is Alexandre Petion?


Which French King was ruling when the Revolution broke out?

Louis XVI


The name of the new French government after becoming a Constitutional Monarchy

What is the National Assembly?


The Haitian Revolution was largely fought by



Which country had a revolution that is credited with inspiring the French Revolution?

What is the United States / American Revolution?


Most leaders of the Latin American Revolutions were from one social class on the Encomienda System. Which social class was that? (mixed)



The name of the Fort/prison that was attacked on July 14th 1789 marking the start of the French Revolution

What is Fort Bastille?


When King Louis XVI tried to ban the Jacobins (revolutionaries) from meeting by locking the door to their building they moved to what location to create...

What is the Tennis Court Oath 1789?


When it was a colony, Haiti was called

Saint Domingue


John Locke said that these were the three main human rights are...

2x: What were the rights that Thomas Jefferson state in the Declaration of Independence?

What is Life, Liberty, and Property?

What is Life, Liberty, and pursuit of happiness?


This Treaty overseen by the Pope and Catholic church split the new world for the Portuguese and Spain, the reason why most Latin American countries speak Spanish

What is The Treaty of Tordesillas?


How many votes did the Third Estate get in the Estates General?

2x: The reason why the Third Estate started the Revolution?

What is One Vote?

What is inequality? The Third Estate had 26 million people compared to the 250,000 in the clergy and 125,000 nobles who had privileges and equal votes. 


This newspaper “The Friend of the People” belonged to a Montagnard was filled with radicalism and promoted violence against the Republic’s enemies. Blamed for  the “First Terror” in September Massacre 1792 where between 1,176-1,614 were killed by the Sans-Culottes Sept. 2-6 

2x the name of his assassin and faction she belonged to

Who is Jean-Paul Marat?

Who is Charlotte Corday?


The Haitian Revolution was led by

Toussaint L'Ouverture


Which nation had inspired a new form of government based on human rights?



Simon Bolivar proposed a united South America which would be called....

Gran Colombia


The radical period in the French Revolution, when the Montagnard faction took over the government and the guillotine, became the "national razor"  

What is the Reign of Terror?


The members of this coalition that attempted to defeat the French, all belonged to the same type of government.

3x name all the European nations belonging in the coalition.

What is a Monarchy

Who Britain, Russia, Prussia, Spain, Sardinia Portugal, Austria and the Dutch? 


The original name of the island in Columbus' voyage which both the countries of Haiti and the Dominican Republic are set in.

2X The original indigenous people that lived on it

What is Hispainolia? 

The Taino?

To make up funds for his wars Napoleon sold this territory to the United States

What is the Louisiana Purchase


The name of the government that would guide Gran Colombia

What is The Congress of Angostura?


People did not trust Marie Antoinette always referring to her as an outsider.

What is her Austrian descent and background?

The Radical Montagnard leaders of the Committee of Public Safety  

Who is Georges Danton and Maximilien Robespierre?


This was the name of the famous document written by the leaders of Haiti defining their terms

3x: Name all four demands

What are the Non-Negotiable Demands?

First: general liberty for all men detained in slavery.

Second: general amnesty for the past.

Third: the guarantee of these articles by the Spanish government.  

Fourth: the three articles above are the basis and the sole means to achieve a peace…


Name the two European kings who were captured or exiled by the Napoleonic Wars, leading to chaos in their empires

Spanish King Ferdinand the VII

Portuguese King Joao VI


Name the countries that made up Gran Colombia

What is Colombia, Venezuela, Panama, Ecuador, and parts of Peru and Brazil


The name of the French woman who advocated for womens' rights by creating the Declaration of the Rights of Women.

Who Olympia de Gauges?


People blamed Robespierre & Committee of Public Safety  for the chaos and mass panic during “Reign of Terror”

What is Thermidorian Reaction 1794?


The reason why the small nation of Haiti was able to stand against the French Empire.

The Napoleonic Wars were causing the French to split their focus.