Modern Science
Music & Art
French Rev. I
French Rev. II
French Rev. III
Who formulated the modern scientific method?
Francis Bacon
By what standard should all human works be evaluated by?
the Bible
What French king was the epitome of an absolute ruler? What was his nickname?
- Louis XIV - The "Sun King"
Who was the Father of New France?
- Samuel de Champlain
What was the Reign of Terror?
- The Reign of Terror was where thousands of known and suspected "enemies of the Republic" were suppressed/killed, over 40,000 died (including the queen, Marie Antoinette)
Who discovered the heliocentric view of the universe?
Nicolaus Copernicus
Name two leading musicians who established the classical style.
- Franz Joseph Haydn - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
What were the policies and organization of Louis XIV's government?
- All local matters were handles by agents of the centralized government
What was the name of the first permanent settlement in America?
- Quebec
What was the connection between France and atheism during the Reign of Terror?
- Atheism had reached its height: the Reign of Terror was bloodiest at the same time Atheism was at its peak
What were scientists called during the Post-Reformation Era?
natural philosophers
With whom did art in the Modern Age begin and what is his most popular work?
- Albrecht Durer, Praying Hands
Whom did Louis XIV prefer to appoint to positions in his government?
the bourgeoisie
How did Louis XIV treat the Huguenots? How did this hurt France?
- He viewed religious freedom as a threat and issued over 125 documents limiting the liberties of them - Thousands of Huguenots fled the country and contributed their greatness to other lands
How did Napoleon Bonaparte rise to power?
- He was a charismatic French military hero - He discovered a few revolutionary leaders were planning to change the government - He rose to power as the First Consul or the new republic
What is the heliocentric view of the universe?
- the view that the planets, including the earth, revolve around the sun
What country became the musical center of the world during the Post-Reformation Era?
Why are the 17th and 18th centuries referred to as the Age of Absolutism?
- Several monarchs aspired to have absolute (unlimited) power
What was the Age of Enlightenment? Who was its father?
- A movement that attempted to apply unaided human philosophy to all areas of man's life in order to establish a new social order - Voltaire
How did Napoleon's plans for an empire in the New World collapse?
- New World territory was meant to be a "breadbasket" for workers in the West Indies - There was a slave revolt in Haiti (the main West Indies possession of France) - With useless territory, Napoleon decided sell the Louisiana Territory to the US
How was ancient and medieval science limited and what effect did the Bible have on Post Reformation science?
- Most people never understood the forces and laws of nature established by God - Scientists began to search for the laws that God established so they could understand nature and control it for the good of man as God commanded in Genesis 1:28
What is a classic?
a work of superior excellence that has stood the test of time - a work for all people of all ages
How would an authoritarian ruler compare to a totalitarian ruler?
- Authoritarian rulers do not have total power over every area of the people's individual lives and totalitarian rulers do
How did the French Revolution begin and how did it become a bourgeoisie revolution?
- The nobility revolted against the King - The Third Estate (middle class/peasants) declared themselves the National Assembly, the official representative body of all the people of France!
What battle ended the final "Hundred Days" reign of Napoleon?
Battle of Waterloo