The Renaissance was a revival in what two things?
What event ended in 1453?
100 Years War
Why was it difficult for popes and emperors to impose central authority on Germany?
It was divided into many competing states
Who was the Holy Roman Emperor who summoned Martin Luther to Worms to stand trial for his statements?
Charles V
What was the Second Kappel War?
War between Swiss Protestants and Catholics
What economic change did the bubonic plague bring about?
Survivors wanted higher wages
In 1494, who claimed the throne of Naples?
Charles VIII
Where did Martin Luther teach scripture?
Wittenberg University
Princes in support of Luther who signed a protest against the princes loyal to the pope became known as what?
What is a theocracy?
Governemnt run by religous leaders
What was the banking family that would take control of Florence?
What was the main focus of Christian humanism?
Reform society
What was Saxony?
German state
In 1521, Henry VIII wrote letters attacking Lutheran ideas. Because of this, what title does the pope give him?
Defender of the Faith
What city does Calvin become the leader of?
What did humanism focus on?
Human potential/ achievemnts
When the Renaissance spread to England, what did that era become known as?
Elizabethan Age
How was Johan Tetzel raising money to help rebuild St. Peter’s Cathedral?
Selling indulgences
What completed Henry’s break with the papacy and required citizens to take oaths?
Supremacy Act
What were John Knox's followers known as?
What were the humanities?
What culture invented block printing?
What is the Reformation?
Movement of religous reform
List the order in which Henry’s children rule England.
What was the Catholic Reformation focused on?
Helping Catholics stay loyal
Who is considered the “Father of Renaissance”?
Francesco Petrarch
What types of churches did the Reformation lead to?
Ones that did not accept papal authority
What is the Church of England also known as?
Anglican Church
What was the Index of Forbidden Books?
Books dangerous to Catholicism