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What is another name for Constantinople?

New Rome or Istanbul or Constantine's city


Who are the ancestors of the Arabs?

Abraham and Ishmael


What were the 3 classes of people in Medieval society?

the clergy, nobility, and peasantry


What is problematic about calling the Dark Ages by this name and calling the next time period in history the Enlightenment?

When a time dominated by a form of Christianity is called dark and a following secular time is called the Enlightenment, it can send the message that secular views are more important than religious views; that science is a greater authority than Scripture.


What is feudalism?

A political system in which local rulers offered the people protection in return for their services.


 What happened at the Battle of Tours?

the Muslim advance was halted


What contributions did Muslims make to the field of literature?

The Rubaiyat (a poem with verses of four lines)   


The Thousand and One Nights (popularly known as The Arabian Nights), telling the tales of Sinbad the sailor, Aladdin and his wonderful lamp, etc. 


What is problematic about the conversion of Clovis to Christianity?

Clovis promised to believe God in exchange for military help (wanted to make a deal with God)   

Did he have repentance or love for God? Was he actually saved? 


How do you know that the Dark Ages were not actually a dark time?

There was a lot of intellectual learning, Charlemagne’s court had a revival learning.


 Before you could become a knight, what 2 jobs did you have first?

Page and squire


How did Justinian come to power?

He listened to the counsel of his wife to stay and fight


What contributions did Muslims make to the field of mathematics?  

Popularized the decimal system and the concept of zero 

Studied and improved algebra, geometry and trigonometry   


Who was Charlemagne?  

Charlemagne, or “Charles the Great” was a Roman emperor 



When Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne what serious question was raised?

whose authority is supreme—the state’s or the church’s? (the emperor or the pope?)


What were the 3 conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire?

  1. The first was a conflict of interest. The German rulers often intervened in Italian affairs.  

  1. Another conflict that plagued the empire was the struggle between the emperors and the popes.  

3. The third and perhaps most damaging conflict was the one between the German nobles and the Holy Roman emperors. 



What happened at the Battle of Manzikert?

The Seljuk Turks annihilated the Byzantine army


What contributions did Muslims make to the field of medicine?

-amazing surgical skills  

-they tried to keep their patients and hospitals as clean as possible

-Muslims had something similar to modern pharmacies that filled prescriptions. 



Who was Clovis?

Clovis became the head of a Frankish tribe in northern Gaul.  

He conquered other Frankish tribes, uniting them into one kingdom.  

He soon became known as “King of the Franks.”  



What is the Holy Roman Empire?

The German empire which had an alliance with the Roman Church and a symbolic association with the empire of ancient Rome


Who founded the Holy Roman Empire?

Otto I


What was the Justinian Code? What did the Justinian Code do?

What it was: it was a systematic arrangement of laws that clarified Roman legal principles 

What it did: it preserved Roman law 


What are the 5 pillars of Islam?

1. the confession of Islam  

2. Salat: “prayers.”   

3. Zakat: giving alms (money) to the poor

4. required fast observed during the month of Ramadan.   

5. pilgrimage to Mecca.   



What contributions did Muslims make to the fields of art and architecture?

Muslim artists also excelled in calligraphy, the art of beautiful writing.   

The best examples of Muslim architecture are the mosques (places of Muslim worship). 





What is the Petrine Theory?

That Peter was the first pope and he gave his power to his successors


What are the 7 Sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church?

  1. Baptism    

  1. Confirmation   

  1. Penance    

  1. The Holy Eucharist, or Holy Communion  

  1. Matrimony   

  1. Holy Orders    

  1. Extreme Unction