19th-20th c. China & Japan
The Colonization of Africa
India's Path to Partition
Russia's Road to Communism
20th c. Revolutions in China & Iran

Driving foreigners out of China became a key objective of this late 19th century movement. 

What is the Boxer Rebellion?


This northeastern African country is one of only two within the continent never to have been permanently colonized. 

What is Ethiopia?


A conflict in this far northwestern sector of India reflects the ongoing effects of Partition today. 

Where is Kashmir?


Karl Marx believed that a classless utopia would only result from a toppling of this type of economic system. 

What is capitalism?


When U.S. president Ronald Raegan secretly aided Iran while also publicly supporting Iraq at the same time that these two nations were at war, all for the purpose of pushing back against Soviet communism in Nicaragua, it became known as this event. 

What is the Contra Affair?


These feudal-style lords, subordinate to the Shogun, controlled Japanese provinces through a hereditary system that spanned most of the previous millennium.  

What are daimyo?


Facilitated by Otto von Bismarck, this watershed event in foreign relations started the Scramble for Africa. 

What is the Berlin Conference?

This city, located in northeastern India, played a prominent role in the discussions leading up to Partition. 

What is Calcutta?

This major political party in early 20th century Russia championed a "revolution now" mentality. 

What is the Bolsheviks? 


The CCP emerged from World War II with the upper hand against the KMT, which was forced to retreat to this place. 

Where is Taiwan?


In the mid-19th century, the Chinese government restricted foreign access exclusively to this major port city.  

What is Guangzhou (then, Canton)? 


This European country's colonization methods paved the way for what eventually culminated in a genocide in Rwanda during the 1990s. 

What is Belgium?


Who ruled India from the mid-18th century to the mid-19th century, immediately before the British government took over? 

What is the British East India Company?


The Stolypin necktie came to be used as a euphemism for this in pre-Communist Russia. 

What is the noose?


In the mid-20th century, this individual fought passionately for Iranian nationalization, though his final chapter was eventually sealed in assassination as a result of Western involvement. 

Who is Mohammad Mossadegh?


This American naval commodore changed Japanese history by attempting to open Japan to international trade. 

Who is Matthew C. Perry?


The use of tribal structures and traditions as a means to establish law and order while colonizers oversaw the process represents this type of rule in 19th century Africa.  

What is indirect?


This concept, sometimes referred to as "truth force," became a rallying cry led by Gandhi and was supported by millions of Indians in the quest for freedom from Britain during the early 20th century. 

What is satyagraha?


This individual wanted no part in collaborating with other parties, lobbied for Russia to get out of WWI immediately, and then ended up leading the Soviet Union after the revolution. 

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


Mao's political philosophy depended on ideas developed and implemented by these two figures. 

Who are Lenin and Marx?


This treaty concluded the First Opium War. 

What is the Treaty of Nanking?


This ideology served as a powerful form of resistance in Africa during the 20th century, inciting a movement in pursuit of independence, self-determination, and freedom from European influence and control. 

What is nationalism? 


The political boundaries separating India from Pakistan and Bangladesh, which are named after the British official who oversaw the process, represent this "award." 

What is the Radcliffe Award?


This early 20th century legislation represents Nicholas II's interpretation of the October Manifesto, promising a shift in Russian policy that ultimately never came to fruition due to his continued autocratic grip on Russia. 

What is the 1906 Fundamental Laws?


Mohammad Reza Shah formed this organization — a secret police unit of sorts — in order to enforce his conformity and squash resistance to his leadership. 

What is SAVAK?