European Exploration
People and Places
Absolute Monarchs
Industrial Revolution

Agreement that divided the non-European world into 2 zones (Spanish control and Portuguese control)

Treaty of Tordesillas


Describe Columbus’s treatment of the Taino natives.

  • Assaulted and enslaved natives

  • Seized their land

  • Killed anyone who resisted

  • Forced them to convert to Christianity


What is an absolute monarchy?

Political system in which a ruler has complete authority over the government and the lives of the people


What was the Reign of Terror?

Phase of the French Revolution when thousands of political opponents were executed


Define Monopoly.

One person or business that has complete control over an industry


What was the goal of the East India Companies?

To protect and expand trade


What was the Middle Passage?

Voyage that brought enslaved Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas


How did the Five Great European Powers maintain a balance of power?

They formed alliances


What was the overall impact of the Napoleonic Wars?

French armies spread the liberal ideas of the French Revolution


Laissez-faire practices are most closely associated with what type of economy?

Free-market Economy


What was the Columbian Exchange?

Exchange of plants, animals, diseases, and technology between the Americas and the rest of the world following Columbus’s voyages


How did Bartolomé de La Casas view the Encomienda System and the Spanish colonies?

He criticized and condemned Spanish treatment of natives


John Locke opposed absolute monarchies. According to Locke, why were governments formed?

To protect citizens’ natural rights


What was the main cause of the Thirty Years War?

Religious conflicts in the Holy Roman Empire


The term “survival of the fittest” is most closely associated with which theory?

Social Darwinism


How did the Portuguese establish footholds in Africa?

They established forts and trading posts on the coast


Describe Alfonso I of Kongo’s reaction to African slavery.

He supported Christianity but wanted to end the slave trade


What were TWO purposes of the Palace of Versailles?

  • Showed off France’s wealth nd French culture

  • Center of French political power

  • Louis XIV invited French nobles to Versailles to control them


Why were neighboring European countries afraid of the French Revolution?

- Fear that the revolutionary ideas and violence would spread to their countries

- Could inspire other countries to revolt against or execute their monarch


What are TWO reasons the Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain?

- Trade ports

- Abundant supply of natural resources, labor, & capital ($$)

- Government supported business


How did Japanese shoguns resist European influence?

They persecuted Christians and banned European traders


Why did the Mughal emperor recognize the right of the British East India Company to collect taxes in India?

The British East India Company forced the weak emperor to accept this right


What are TWO Enlightenment ideas that are reflected in the American Constitution?

  • Separation of powers (3 branches of government)

  • Protection of natural rights (Bill of Rights)

  • Citizens voting and participating in government (Democracy)


What were TWO effects of the French Revolution?

  • Abolished monarchy and social system (Three Estates)

  • Increased Nationalism across France

  • Triumph of Liberalism

  • Slavery was abolished


What is ONE advancement in technology that contributed to the growth of factories in Europe?

  • Assembly lines

  • Interchangeable parts

  • Electric power