Imperialism Motives
Imperialism in India
Imperialism in Africa
Imperialism in Asia
Interference in Mexico

These are the two ways Europeans took over territory

What is violence and peaceful ways?


This was a group of Indian soldiers who helped expand British control of India. 

Who is the sepoy?


This is the European rush to gain as much African territory as possible

What is the Scramble for Africa?


This country was controlled by the U.S.

What is the Hawaii?


Diaz strengthened the army, local police, and central government, crushing any brutal opposition 

What is "Order and Progress"


Before the 1800s, Europeans had already established these in Asia and Africa

What are trading posts?


This country ruled over India

What is Great Britain?


This event allowed the Europeans to be able to dominate Africa

What is the Industrial Revolution?


This drug grown in China was very profitable and motivated the Europeans to exert economic influence

What is opium?


Diaz used what to build railroads, increase foreign trade, develop industry and expand mining, and purchase of native land. 

What is capital from foreign investors?


This imperial motive had to do with the spread of Christianity

What is religious?


The desire for these two things motivated the takeover of India by the Europeans

What is raw materials and big market?


These are some resources that Africa provided

What are gold, diamonds, bananas, salt, ivory, etc.?


Groups of Chinese peasants formed a secret society, the Righteous Harmonious Fists, to drive out "foreign devils".

What is Boxer Rebellion?


Discouraged European interference/colonization in the American continents. 

What is the Monroe Doctrine
Social Darwinism is associated with this imperialism motive

What is ideological?


The sepoy Rebellion resulted in what because the sepoy were insulted by British passing laws against their culture, requiring them to load their rifles with grease animal fat, and overseas travel. 

What is the British Colonial Rule, the Raj?


Savage beatings, mutilalion and declined population in the Congo happend because of what?

What is Belgian Direct brutal rule?

This country was forced to open itself to American, British, French and Russian trade but was able to reform gov't, modernize, build a military, and win wars against Russia.  

What is Japan?


Under Diaz rule the Majority of Mexicans lived in poverty and worked in large plantations controlled by landowning elite

What is hacienda system


The Berlin Conference was held to calm heated rivalries created by this motive

What is political?


This is the reason why so many in India died of starvation

What is farmers were forced to grow cash crops instead of food?


King Menelik was victorious at the Battle of Adwa because

What is modernization, acquiring weapons, training soldiers, or unifying his country.


Great Britain's empire in SE Asia was really an attempt to influence or control this country

What is China?


The use of a country’s financial power to extend its influence

What is Dollar Diplomacy