The World Wars
Industrial Revolution
Cold War

Who is often called the "Father of Enlightenment" and is known for his work "The Social Contract"?

Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau?


An economic state wherin the majority of a countries economic and productive capacitiy is dedicated towards warmaking.

What is the Total War?


This invention by James Watt improved the efficiency of power production and played a crucial role in the Industrial Revolution.

What is the steam engine?


The main ideological conflict during the Cold War.

What is communism vs. capitalism?


The leader of the Muslim League who argued for the partition of India in order to prevent Muslims being forced to live in a Hindu dominated state.

Who is Muhammad Ali Jinnah?


This English philosopher wrote "Two Treatises of Government" and influenced the development of liberal democracy.

Who is John Locke?


This American president led the country during World War I and proposed the Fourteen Points for peace.

Who is Woodrow Wilson?


The Industrial Revolution contributed to the rise of this economic system, which emphasizes private ownership and free markets.

What is capitalism?


This 1962 event brought the world to the brink of nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


This African Country declared independance in an attempt to prevent the end of White Minority rule?

What is Rhodesia?


This concept, promoted during the Enlightenment, suggests that governments derive their power from the consent of the governed.

What is popular sovereignty?


This agreement was made in an attempt to prevent hostilities from breaking out again in Europe. This agreement is one of the most famous examples of appeasement.

What is the Munich Agreement?


This economist wrote "The Wealth of Nations" and is considered the father of modern economics, advocating for free markets.

Who is Adam Smith?


This U.S. president initiated the policy of containment to stop the spread of communism.

Who is Harry S. Truman?


Following independence, this leader of India implemented a series of economic reforms but faced challenges with communal violence and political instability.

Who is Jawaharlal Nehru?


Which Enlightenment philosopher advocated for the separation of powers in government to prevent tyranny?

Who is Montesquieu?


This country lost the First World War and underwent a revolution that resulted in a complete shift in its political and economic systems.

What is Tzarist Russia?


This movement emerged during the Industrial Revolution as workers organized to improve conditions and wages, often leading to strikes.

What is the labor movement or labor unions?


This war taught the Soviet Union the importance of the UN and being involved in New World Order interntational organizations.

What is the Korean war?


In the 1980s, widespread international condemnation and economic sanctions aimed at ending apartheid were part of this movement to promote global awareness.

What is the anti-apartheid movement?


This 1789 document, a foundational text of the French Revolution, asserted principles such as liberty, equality, and fraternity. It marked a significant shift in the role of government in relation to individual rights and laid the groundwork for modern human rights. What is this document?

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?


Einstatzgruppe, Ghettoization, Auschwitz-Birkenau, and Dachau.

What are the components of the Holocaust?


This Metallurgical process invented in 1854 enabled the mass production of steel. 

What is the Bessemer process?


Following their defeat in the Chinese Civil war, the Chinese Nationalists fled to this Island, resulting in decades of tension between this Island and mainland China.

What is Taiwan/Formosa?


This system of Colonial Rule involves intentionally dividing up native groups and instigating inter-group hostility and rivalry, with the goal of weakening native resistance to colonialism.

What is Divide and Rule?