Age of Exploration
Latin American Revolutions
The American Revolution
The French Revolution
The Social Contract

In 1492, this Italian explorer sailed for Spain.  He sailed west to get to India, failed, and is mistakenly credited with discovering America.  

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This factor most determined one's class status in Latin America during Spanish colonial times.

What is skin color?


This is the birthday of the USA.

What is July 4?  (Can include 1776, but not necessary)


The French national holiday, July 14, is named after this French prison.  

What is the Bastille?


According to John Locke, natural rights are comprised of the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of this.

What is private property?


This Portuguese explorer was the first to reach the Cape of Good Hope.

Who is Bartholomew Dias?


Peninsulares were the upper class of Latin America.  This is the name of the peninsula from which the peninsulares came.

What is the Iberian Peninsula?


English pilgrims settled in Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts, where they mythically celebrated the first Thanksgiving.  This bird is normally the center of this annual American dinner celebration.

What is the turkey?


The French Revolution was lead mostly by this social class.

What is the poor?  ("What is the 3rd Estate?" is also possible.)


This French political philosopher and author of the book The Social Contract believed that leaders had to be in tune with the general will.

Who is (Jean-Jacques) Rousseau?


Prince Henry the Navigator sailed for this Iberian nation.

What is Portugal?


Yellow, blue, and red are the colors of the flags of Venezuela, Ecuador, and this once drug-ridden South American country.

What is Colombia?


This was the main reason for British to leave England for the New World.

What is religious freedom?


He was the King of France during the French Revolution.

Who is King Louis XVI?


This British political philosopher discussed the state of nature as "the war of all against all."

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


This was the first European nation to explore and map modern-day Canada.

What is France?


This Portuguese explorer was supposed to follow Bartholomew Diaz to the Cape of Good Hope, but the trade winds blew off him off course and landed in Brazil.

Who is Pedro Cabral?


"No taxation without representation" was a major theme of the American Revolution, manifested by a notorious dumping of perfectly fine tea into this city's harbor.

What is Boston?


During the Reign of Terror, this tool was used to kill the opponents of the revolution by chopping their heads off using a heavily weighted sharp steel blade.

What is the guillotine?


This event in British history was the backdrop for the writings of John Locke.  

What is the Glorious Revolution?


In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.  He thought he landed in India, but he was wrong.  He actually landed on this island instead.

What is Hispaniola?


This former Portuguese prince became the first leader of an independent Brazil in 1824.

Who is Prince Pedro?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


He was the King of England during the American Revolution.

Who is King George III?


Napoleon dissolved the Holy Roman Empire, and then put this in its place.

What is the Confederation of the Rhine?


Thomas Hobbes described the leader of a social contract as a monster in this book.  

What is The Leviathan?