The Roman Empire
The Chinese Empires
The Egyptian Empire
Feudal Japan
Medieval Europe

This man is famous for overthrowing the Roman Republic.

Who is Julius Caesar?


This navigational tool was invented in china thousands of years before anywhere else.

What is a compass?


This Egyptian Pharoh plays a large role in the book of exodus, as well as popular culture. To the Greeks he was known as Ozymandias, and in a children's cartoon he demanded the return of a slab.

Who is Ramesses II?


During the Feudal period of japan, The de facto leader of the nation and of the samurai was known as this.

Who is the Shogun?


This system was one that separated control of lands into noble houses which would then operate almost independently with resident workers known as serfs.

What is Feudalism?


This river being crossed was the signal of the end of the roman republic and Caesars coup d'état. it is immortalized in a modern phrase meaning "no going back."

What is the Rubicon.


This popular symbol of Taoism can be seen commonly in martial arts dojos, Noted for it's two colors and mirrored appearance, the meaning is "equality-in-opposites."

What is the Yin Yang


The Eponymous Pyramids of legend and fame are located in this region of Egypt.

What is Giza?


The Warring States period in the 15th and 16th century Japan is known by this name.

What is the Sengoku Period?


This system of governance was built on the concept of hereditary rule, with leaders known as kings and queens and still exists in some places of the world.

What is Monarchy?


This man was known for being one of the men who assassinated Julius Caesar. A noted friend, Julius' last words were dismay at his betrayal.

Who is Marcus Junius Brutus.


This famous general and strategist is studied to this day by modern militaries and political theorists. He was known for penning "The Art of War"

Who is Sun Tzu.


This Egyptian invention is still used today both domestically and in show business. Nowadays it is used for cosmetic purposes mainly.

What is Eye Makeup?


This Samurai clan leader was known for his ambition and using Tanegashima rifles in his forces. He is often depicted as a villian in popular media, and nearly conquered japan.

Who is Oda Nobunaga?


This set of rules and tenants is often cited for politeness, but most of it's actual focus was on battlefield conduct.

What is Chivalry?


This building material is still widely used today, and was primarily used by and improved by Rome. Many believe the lost ancient formula to be superior to our modern ones.

What is Concrete?


This ranged weapon is best known for it's use in the battlefields of Medieval Europe requiring less training than a bow with more power, but was invented in China before the age of gunpowder.

What is the Crossbow.


This practice was invented by Egyptians to ensure more successful harvests. It is considered necessary for farmland.

What is Irrigation?


This shogun was well known for creating a lasting peace known as the Edo period. 

Who is Tokugawa Ieyasu?


This place is the center of Roman Catholicism, and wielded huge political sway across Europe.

What is Vatican City.


This invention by Rome is still used today, although it's usage has been declining in the modern day. It was a staple of American culture and many people do not start their day without it.

What is a Newspaper.


How many Civil wars have broken out during China's history?

What is 12?


This Egyptian symbol is studied by neuro-scientists as it's component parts correlate to the physical location of senses in the brain.

What is the Eye of Horus?


This period followed the fall of the Tokugawa Shogunate and lead to large political changes in japan, bringing it much closer to the modern day. Restoring emperor Meiji to power and resulting in massive modernization. 

What is the Meiji Restoration?


This war lasted for 700 years, starting in 718 and ending in 1492, and was fought on the Iberian Peninsula.

What is the Reconquista.