Rulers who held all of the power within their state boundaries wanted to be what? (Lesson 1)
Absolute Monarchs
What did Cromwell do with the land and houses he seized from the Irish? (Lesson 5)
He gave them to the English soldiers.
Cromwell favored religious toleration for all Christians except for what religion? (Lesson 5)
What government united England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland under a single government and gave all the nations a seat in the new British Parliament? (Lesson 5)
The Protectorate
What centuries did Spain experienced a golden age in the arts? (Lesson 1)
The 16th & 17th century
Who are the most powerful rulers in the French history? (Lesson 2)
Henry IV, and Richelieu
Who was Olive Cromwell? (Lesson 5)
He was a general who held Charles I prisoner and sentenced him to death, then after became king.
What religion was Philip II? (Lesson 1)
When was the bill of rights passed? (Lesson 5)
Who was the greatest Dutch artists of the period in the 1600s? (Lesson 1)
Rembrandt Van Rijn
How many steps did Richelieu take to increase the power of the Bourbon monarchy? (Lesson 2)
It took two steps to increase power.
What three nations did Philip II inherited? (Lesson 1)
Spain, Spanish Netherlands, and the American colonies.
What happened when Ferdinand sent an army to Bohemia to crush the revolt? (Lesson 3)
Several German protestant princes took the chance to challenge their Catholic emperor.
What is the petition of Right? (Lesson 5)
A document that limits a ruler's power, also needing to respect the parliament.
What did Montaigne write about humans? (Lesson 2)
Humans could never have absolute knowledge of what is true.
What obstacle prevented English rulers from becoming absolute Monarchs? (Lesson 5)
Parliament's financial power
What happened when the King of Portugal died, and his kingdom was seized by his nephew Philip? (Lesson 1)
His empire now circled around the globe.
Who wanted both kingdoms to follow the same religion? (Lesson 5)
Charles Stuart
What is the Habeas Corpus Act? (Lesson 5)
It is a law that protects an individual's right to be free from unlawful detention.
What did the Dutch artist often paint about women? (Lesson 1)
Painting such as pouring milk from a jug or reading a letter.
Why did Charles I always need money? (Lesson 5)
because he was at war with Spain and France and the Parliament refused to give him funds.
How did several countries strength equal to France's strength? (Lesson 2)
They formed an alliance and banded together while France was weakened by poor harvests.
Why did some people hate Henry? (Lesson 2)
Because of his religious compromises.
How did the English Civil War happen? (Lesson 5)
Charles wanted both of his kingdoms to follow one religion but the Scots rebelled and threatened to invade England.
Why is Moliere, Louis XIV's favorite writer? (Lesson 2)
Louis XIV thing Moliere's writing were the funniest plays in French history.