Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Spanish Empire Collapsing
Ch. 12
19th Century Empire Building
Ch. 13
Japan / Perry
Ch. 14
Victorian Era and Darwin

Describe the kind of ruler that Napoleon was.

What was a ruthless and power-hungry ruler?


After this happened to the royal family line, Spanish Empire start to decline.

What is the last of the Hapsburg Spanish kings died and the land that they once controlled was redistributed to other countries?


The clash over the rights to sell or prohibit drugs which eventually led to wars between Britain and China was known as this.

What were the Opium Wars?


Describe the years of isolation in Japan.

What was....Japan was virtually on shut-down concerning the outside world.

They did not allow foreigners in or their citizens out.

They prospered well enough, but remained in the past.

They also continued their style of the feudal system far after the rest of the world had abandoned such practices.



Queen Victoria reinged as monarch of the British Empire for this many years.

What is 63 years?


Describe the way that Napoleon came to power.

What was, he was an officer in the French army toward the end of the Revolution.  He gained a powerful reputation and used it to gain entry into the government.  He overthrew the government and established himself as the first consul in the new government?


This was the result of Napoloen removing the Spanish king from the throne and making his own brother king instead.  

What was the Spanish citizens revolt on 1808?

The Peninsular War followed this.


The types of resources the British liked to buy from China.

What were Chinese silks, spices, and porcelain?


The event that brought Japan out of isolation.

What was the U.S. came to the shores of Japan with ships in an attempt to convince Japan to open her doors to foreign trade?


The number of children that Queen Victoria had with her husband Albert.

What are 9 children?


The reason that the Directory (the French government at the time) ordered Napoleon to take over Egypt.

What was to cut the trade route beween England and her colonial India.? 

This would sever the supplies and goods and fracture the British Empire, therefore weakening it.


Large estates in Mexico were called this.

What are haciendas?

The primary "product" that Britain sold in China.

What was Opium.


How Japan felt after the doors to their country was pried open.

What was angry that she had been "invaded" and realizing that she was behind the leading powers of the world?


Queen Victoria was sometimes called this because she arranged the marriage of many of her nine children into other royal families in all of Europe.

What is the Grandmother of Europe?


Napoleon needed finances to fight against England, so he sold this to the United States.

What was the Louisiana territory?


Haciendas were owned by these people.

Who were wealthy Spanish landowners?


The rivalry between the British Empire and Russia that took place in central Asia during the 1800s was know as this.

What was The Great Game?


The amount of time that Japan stayed inside their locked borders.

What was almost two and a half centuries?


This played a role in Karl Marx's ideas about political science.

What is his atheism?


Napoleon and his vast army ran into these two things in Russia.

What are the frigid Russian winter, and the "scorched earth" method, in which the Russian army would burn everything that the French army could use?


These people worked on the haciendas.

Who were Native Americans?


True or False

The Great Game was really a game.


It was a bloody conflict.

The kind of treaties that the Japanese were forced into bring apart of.
What are unequal treaties?

They were called unequal because the Japanese did not want to agree to them.


True or False

Queen Victoria's long reign as monarch was never topped.



The assembly that gathered to undertake the colossal task of reorganizing Europe - to try and undo what the French Revolution and Napoleon had done.

What was the Congress of Vienna?


The European country that ruled Brazil during this time period.

Who was Portugal?


The 3 C's as described by David Livingstone were...

What were Commerce, Christianity and Civilization?


True or False

The Tokugawa shogunate brought more stability than Japan had experienced in a long time.



Britain's longest ruling monarch, who was also the great great granddaughter of Queen Victoria.

Who was Elizabeth II?

Her rule was 70 years.


A large stone table with writings in 3 writing systems that was discovered by one of Napoleon's soldiers.

What was the Rosetta Stone?


Describe Charles V's rule in Spain.

What was under his rule, the Spanish Empire became master of almost half of the world? 

Charles was a member Hapsburg family so he inherited immense amounts of land throughout Europe.


The four states that formed the Indochinese Union in 1887.

What are Cochinchina, Cambodia, Annam and Tonkin?


Samurais were taught that ___________ was not an option.

What is defeat?

Darwin said that if evolution had indeed occurred, ___________ would be found.

What is proof?


The 3 writing systems on the Rosetta Stone were... 

What were Greek, Demotic, and hieroglyphic?


Philip II's reign was thought of as rough because...

England was giving him a run for his money? 

England's Queen Elizbath's favorite privateer-pirate, Sir Francis Drake, was not only encouraging and leading thieving raids against Spanish ships, he also beat them quite soundly on the seas.


British navigator James Cook made 3 voyages to this area to observe, gather and record helpful scientific knowledge about the areas he explored.

Where is Oceania.


THe unwritten code of conduct that the samurai lived by was called this.

What is the Bushido, which placed value in bravery, honor and loyalty above life itself?


Darwin's claims did not match the ____________.

What is evidence?