The Crimean peninsula is located in this sea
What is the Black Sea?
He was the most prominent military leader of the Haitian Revolution but died in 1803 after being betrayed
Who is L'Ouverture?
The "third estate" were the major insurgents in this European revolution
What is the French Revolution?
This country was the first to capitalize on the original Industrial Revolution
What is England? [UK or Great Britain also acceptable]
This characteristic new imperialism product was harvested from trees in the Belgian Congo in tortuous, slave-like conditions
What is rubber?
This is the body of water between the Korean peninsula and the Japanese archipelago
What is the Sea of Japan?
This leader united his tribe into a nation and conquered neighbors during the Mfecane in Southern Africa (c. 1818-1828)
Who is Shaka Zulu?
This "restoration" could be considered a kind of revolution, as the rule of a military shogunate was replaced by a constitutional monarchy
What is the Meiji Restoration?
The most important metal alloy of the "Second" Industrial Revolution
What is steel?
This communications device (seen in the Cecil Rhodes cartoon and in the film clip about Perry) greatly aided the new imperialism
What is the telegraph?
What is the Suez Canal?
This Caracas-born creole wrote the "Jamaica Letter" and was known as "The Liberator"
Who is Bolivar
France, Italy, Prussia, Austria-Hungary, and even a few more countries all experienced revolution in this famous year of tumult
What is 1848
This was one of the characteristic new power sources of the "First" industrial Revolution
What is steam?
OR What is coal?
This meeting was intended to peacefully divvy up Africa amongst European powers
What is the Berlin Conference
After exploring this major central African river, Henry Morton Stanley was contracted by King Leopold II to build a railroad in order to circumvent the river's rapids and waterfalls
What is the Congo River?
This French Revolutionary sought to instill a "Republic of Virtue" and even changed the calendar, holidays, and names of the weekdays
Who is Robespierre?
Hong Xiuquan led this rebellion that turned into a civil war, killing an estimated 20-30 million Chinese people
What is the Taiping Rebellion
This was one of the characteristic new power sources of the "Second" Industrial Revolution
What is petroleum?
OR What is electricity?
This characteristic new imperialism product can be used as a food additive, made into margarine, and also has industrial applications
What is palm oil?