American Revolution
French Revolution (1)
French Revolution (2)
Industrial Revolution

What reason did France have for aiding the the Colonists?

They wanted to see the end of the British Empire.


The third estate is?

What is the middle and lower classes?


Two causes of the French Revolution

What is the country was bankrupt and a food shortage?

*Different answers acceptable*


Where did the Industrial Revolution begin and why?

What is Britain and their coal deposits?


This act was performed on tax collectors to scare them into not collecting new taxes.

What is Tar & Feathering?


What did Napoleon quickly do?

What is took over neighboring countries and set up alliances throughout Europe?


What guaranteed rights to men that included natural rights, freedom of speech, the right to property, etc?

What is the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen?


The shift from the ____________ to factories was seen throughout the industrial revolution.

What is the cottage industry?


This was the imaginary line that the British wouldn't allow colonists to expand past in order to reduce conflict with the Native Americans.

What was the Proclamation Line of 1763?


This invention was seen as more fair because it was a faster method of execution and used on nobility and peasants alike.

What is the guillotine?


Waterloo was important for this reason.

What is Napoleon's last stand?


What are three effects of the shift from the cottage indsutry to factories? 

What is families had more money to spend on goods, increased population in cities, and less time together as a family unit?

*More answers acceptable*


"No taxation without representation" came after what act was passed by the British?

What is the Stamp Act?


Maximilian Robespierre led what event during the French Revolutionary period?

What is the Reign of Terror?

What is the significance of the Battle of Trafalgar? 

What is Napoleon's failed attempt to invade Britain?(OR) What is Napoleon initiating a boycott of British goods throughout Europe using the Continental System?


What did Thomas Newcomen's coal powered steam engine do?

What is pumped the water out of coal mines?


What inspired the Declaration of Independence?

Inspired by Enlightenment ideas (natural rights, consent of the governed, and rights to property)


What is the most significant impact of the American & French Revolutions?

What is impacted or influenced other revolutions and independence movements?


The Russians used this tactic during the French invasion of Russia.

What is the scorched earth tactic?


The Industrial Revolution increased the drive for imperialism as nations sought what?

What is resources and labor from the colonies.