Why History?
Paleolithic vs. Neolithic
Ancient Mesopotamia
Ancient Egypt

Name one reason why we study history.

To avoid previous mistakes, to understand current events, to appreciate different cultures, to gain role models/heroes, etc.


How did Paleolithic people get their food?

Hunting and Gathering


True or False: A defining characteristic of early civilizations is a nomadic lifestyle for the population. 



Name two significant inventions that were created by ancient Mesopotamians.

The wheel, the plow, the sailboat, cylinder seals, cuneiform writing, bricks, etc.

Which form of writing did ancient Egyptians use?



Name a role model/hero from history who you look up to. Explain why!

Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, Helen Keller, etc.


True or False: Life was much easier for early people once agriculture became the primary source of food.



How do civilizations develop? Explain the process!

Small communities began to settle near rivers, where the soil is perfect for successful farming. As these people develop better farming practices and technologies, they are able to organize themselves into more complex societies and add structure to their societies.


Mesopotamians are known for their monumental architectural structures. What were these structures called and what was their purpose?

Ziggurats; served as religious temples and government centers.


Who was the ruler of ancient Egypt who was believed to be both a king and a god?



How does history help us to be better national or global citizens? Give a specific example.

History helps us understand political structure and government organization; it enables us to make better choices when it comes to voting for democratic leaders and developing opinions about social issues.


What significant human discoveries occurred during the Paleolithic era? Name two discoveries/innovations from this era.

Fire, stone tools, very simple language, etc.


Civilizations are able to develop quicker and more efficiently when they have access to a stable supply of what resource?

Food, specifically from agriculture.


What was the purpose of cuneiform writing?

To keep records of trade, laws, historical events, literature, etc.


What geographic feature was most crucial to the development of ancient Egyptian civilization? Why was it important for Egypt?

The Nile River; its annual flooding created rich and fertile soil which was perfect for abundant farming.


Explain how history helps us to avoid past mistakes. Provide a specific example from history.

History helps us identify the good and bad actions of those who came before us. We can avoid a lot of the negative consequences they experienced by knowing history. Examples: Napoleon and Hitler in Russia, Titanic and iceberg, etc.


What major change occurred during the Neolithic Revolution?

Early people moved away from hunter-gatherer lifestyles and began to farm crops and domesticate animals.


What are three features that all civilizations have?

Large population centers, large architectural buildings, government structures, specialized jobs, urban settlements/cities, religion, etc.


Who was Hammurabi and why is he important?

He was a king of Babylon who created a code of laws, which established and maintained order in Mesopotamian society.


What is the Rosetta Stone and why was it important?

It was a stone tablet discovered in Egypt with three different languages on it, including Egyptian hieroglyphics. It allowed scholars to decipher Egyptian hieroglyphics.


Explain why studying history is important for understanding current events. Provide a specific example of a current event that has historical background.

It helps us understand the background behind conflicts, politics, etc. Examples include the war in Ukraine, the conflict in Israel/Palestine, voting/election process, etc.


How did the introduction of farming during the Neolithic Revolution change the way hunter-gatherers lived?

It led to the development of permanent settlements, which eventually led to more complex societies.


What enabled early civilizations to grow and prosper? Name two technologies or societal changes that helped these civilizations to succeed.

Trade networks, advancements in agricultural technology, societal organization, specialized jobs, etc.


What are two major similarities between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt?

Both Mesopotamia and Egypt: settled in river valleys, practiced polytheism, developed mathematics, astronomy, architecture, etc.


What are two major differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt?

Mesopotamia: located between two rivers, had city-states with independent rulers, ziggurats, cuneiform writing, etc.

Egypt: located near one major river, had one central ruler (Pharaoh) over all the people, pyramids, hieroglyphic writing, etc.