World Religions and Trade Routes
Disease and Art
Americas pre-colonization
This means the belief in many gods.

What is polytheism?


Fleas biting rats which then bit people spreading a virus caused this epidemic.

What is the Black Death/Bubonic Plague?


This native tribe was located on Lake Texcoco in the city of Tenochtitlan (now Mexico City)

Who are the Aztecs?


What are the three main motivators for exploration and colonization?

What is God, Glory and Gold?


A system of transatlantic trade in the 16th-18th centuries between Europe, Africa, and the Americas. Goods, diseases, and enslaved people were transported on this route.

What is the Triangular Trade?


These were the main goods traded along the Silk Road. (provide at least 2)

What is silk, spices, ideas and disease?


This was something people fought for in the workforce who remained after 1/3 of the population died.

What are higher wages?


The capital of this empire was Cuzco. They lived in the Andes Mountains in the area of modern day Peru.

Who are the Incas?

This killed 90% of the native population in the Americas.

What is disease?


Movement away from the Catholic church and focusing on the Bible as the truth rather than the Pope's word. Began in the 1500s

What is the Protestant Reformation?


These were the main goods spread along the Trans Saharan Trade Route.

What are gold, salt and people?


This was the primary method the Black Death was spread.

What is the Silk Road/trade routes?


This is the type of floating garden made by the Aztecs so they could grow food and house animals.

What are chinampas?

Name of exchange of goods, ideas, disease between the Old World and the New World

What is the Columbian Exchange?


An astronomical instrument dating to ancient times. It serves as a star chart and physical model of visible heavenly bodies.

What is an astrolabe?

This type of faith is tied to culture and is passed down from parent to child. It also may be linked to a specific location and ethnic group.

What is Ethnic Faith?

The French meaning of the word Renaissance.

What is "rebirth?"

This is the form of farming used by the Incas where they would cut into the mountain and create flat plains.

What is terrace farming?


A form of labor where a person is contracted to work without salary for a specific number of years.

What is indentured servitude?


Found in the Indian Ocean Trade Route and guided trade directions. Sailors needed to plan their trips according to this naturally occurring event.

What are Monsoon Winds?


A belief system that is appealing to all kinds of people. They look for new members and are spread around in different countries and cultures. 

What is Universal Faith?


Term refers to the Ancient Greek and Roman art, books, and discoveries revisited by people during the Renaissance.

What are the classics?


 The Aztec name for the popular game they invented that involves getting a ball in a goal without using your hands.

What is ollama?


A grant by the crown to a conquistador, a soldier, an official, or others of a specified number of “Indios” (Native Americans and, later, Filipinos) living in a particular area.

What is an encomienda?

This theory held that the wealth of a nation was based on the amount of gold they possessed.  Countries pushed to have as little imports as possible.  Colonies were used as places to supply raw materials and markets to sell manufactured goods.

What is Mercantilism?