Classical Greece (and Alexander the Great)
Classical Persia
Roman Republic
Roman Empire
Important People & Events

They were winners in the Persian War and would create the Delian League.

Who was Athens?


This Persian Emperor conquered Egypt but was not tolerant of their religion (or their pharaoh).

Who is Cambyses?


Under this Roman legal system all Roman citizens regardless of wealth or lineage were treated equally under the law.

What are the Twelve Tables?


Constantine ended the (legal) persecution of this religion after becoming the Emperor of Rome.

Who are Christians?


His assassination on the Ides of March (along with civil wars and the breakdown of a once loyal military) helped cause the fall of the Roman Republic.

Who was Gaius Julius Caesar?


The type of government (collectively) in classical Sparta.

What is an oligarchy?


This construction project begun under the rule of Darius the Great would connect Susa to the Aegean Sea.

What was the "Royal Road?"


Many of the disputes (like those fostered by the Gracchi Brothers) in the Roman Republic were between the wealthy and aristocratic Patricians (the Boni - "Good Men") and this class (hoi polloi in Greek).

Who are the 'plebeians?'


Begun during the reign of Augustus this period of peace and prosperity would last for 207 years.

What is the Pax Romana?


Followers of this Jewish zealot would found a religion based on love and acceptance of others and also gave hope to the powerless.

Who was Jesus of Nazareth?


Alexander III of Macedon would end his conquering in this land (one of the ancient river valley civilizations).

What is the Indus River Valley?


Persian emperor famous for both his great military skills and expansion of the empire but also his skills in government administration - he divided the Empire into districts called satrapies instead of kingdoms.

Who was Darius the Great?


With its election of consuls, tribunes, and senators the Roman Republic is an early example of this form of government literally meaning rule by the people.

What is democracy?


Fishing, Industry, Agriculture, and Trade.  Two of these were the most important aspects of the Roman economy.

(both for full credit)

What are agriculture and trade?


As his Persia conquered more and more diverse peoples he became known for his tolerance of cultural and religious diversity.

Who was Cyrus?


This term would come to mean the blending of primarily Greek culture with Egypt, Persia, and some Indian culture.

What is Hellenistic?


This battle during the first invasion of Greece by Persia turned the tide of the war in the Greeks favor.

What is the Battle of Marathon?


Rome, still technically a "republic" during Julius Caesar's brief reign, extended citizenship to these places/peoples.

What were the provinces?


This nomadic tribe from central Asia pushed the Germanic tribes (Goths, Visigoths, etc) toward their invasion of the Roman empire in the 5th century.

Who were the Huns?


This war was fought between Athens (and allies) and Sparta (and allies) (hint: named after the peninsula where Sparta was located)

What was the Peloponnesian War?


Considered by most the greatest of the Greek philosophers he was the teacher of Plato and focused his thinking on the ideals of truth and justice.

Who was Socrates?


He founded a monotheistic pre-Islamic (and pre-Christian) religion in Persia (hint: it is named after him)

Who was Zoroaster?


During the Punic Wars between Rome and Carthage to determine control of the Mediterranean Sea the Carthaginian armies were led by this famous general whose tactics are still taught in military schools.

Who was Hannibal?


More than Constantine or Theodosius this Jewish Roman citizen was responsible for the spread and wide acceptance of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire and beyond.

Who was Paul (Saul) of Tarsus?


Athenian statesman and general who led the effort to expand direct democracy in that city-state.

Who was Pericles?