Prehistoric Humans
Ancient Civilizations
Greek City-States
Medieval Warriors
Government Systems

This invention, controlled around 1 million years ago, provided early humans with warmth, protection, and the ability to cook food.

What is fire?


This river was crucial to the development of ancient Egyptian civilization.

What is the Nile?


This Greek city-state was known for its strong military and strict social hierarchy.

What is Sparta?


This code of conduct for European knights emphasized honor, bravery, and loyalty to one's lord.

What is chivalry?


This type of government is ruled by a small group of people.

What is an oligarchy?


These small, nomadic, and egalitarian societies were the primary social organization of early humans.

What are hunter-gatherer societies?


This writing system, developed in Mesopotamia, used wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets.

What is cuneiform?


Athens was known for developing this system of government where citizens directly participated in decision-making.

What is democracy?


The Japanese equivalent of knights, these warriors followed a strict code known as Bushido.

Who are samurai?


Ancient Egypt was ruled by this type of government, where the leader was considered both a political and religious figure.

What is a theocracy?


Occurring between 70,000 and 100,000 years ago, this event led to humans spreading to diverse environments across the globe.

What is the migration out of Africa?


This ancient Indus Valley city, along with Harappa, was known for its advanced urban planning and grid layout.

What is Mohenjo-Daro?


Unlike Athens, Sparta's government was this type of system, ruled by two kings and a council of elders.

What is an oligarchy?


Knights typically wore this type of heavy protective gear in battle.

What is plate armor?


This system of government, prevalent in medieval Europe and Japan, was based on the holding of land in exchange for service or labor.

What is feudalism?


Developed around 100,000 years ago, this cultural innovation allowed for more complex communication and social organization.

What is language?


In ancient China, this concept justified the ruler's right to govern and could be lost if the ruler was unjust.

What is the Mandate of Heaven?


This Greek city-state focused on developing a strong navy and excelled in naval warfare.

What is Athens?


This lightweight sword was the primary weapon of the samurai, known for its curved, single-edged blade.

What is a katana?


In this form of government, power is held by the people and their elected representatives.

What is a democracy (or republic)?


These specialized tools, including needles, awls, and harpoons, represent an advance in prehistoric technology and were made from these materials.

What are bone and antler tools?


This undeciphered script has limited our understanding of the potentially egalitarian social structure of this ancient civilization.

What is the Indus Valley Civilization?


Unlike their Athenian counterparts, women in this Greek city-state had more rights, including the ability to own property.

What is Sparta?


In the European feudal system, knights were often granted these in exchange for military service to their lord.

What are fiefs (or lands)?


This ancient Chinese political philosophy justified imperial rule and could be lost if the emperor was seen as unjust or incompetent.

What is the Mandate of Heaven?