Transatlantic slave trade
The Mongols
Time and dating
Cultural diffusion

What civilization is know for its pyramids and the city of Teotihuacan ?

The aztec civilization 


What was the main purpose of the middle passage ?

Forced transportation of enslaved Africans to the Americas


Who was the founder of the mongol empire ?

Genghis khan


What is the difference between BCE and CE ?

BCE stands for Before Common Era and CE stands for Common Era 


What is cultural diffusion?

The spread of cultural beliefs and social activities from one group to another .


Which Mesoamerican civilzation developed a complex calendar system?

The Maya civilization 


Which European country was the first to engage in the transatlantic slave trade?



What was the significance of the Silk Road during the mongol empire?

Facilitated cultural exchange and economic prosperity under mongol rule 


How do historians use carbon dating ?

Used to determine the age of organic material by measuring the amount of carbon-14 remaining 


Name one example of cultural diffusion in ancient civilizations 

The spread of Buddhism from India to East Asia.


What was the primary agricultural product of the Maya civilization?

Maize ( corn )


Name one major crop that relied on slaver labor in the americas 

olives, grapes, sugar, cotton, tobacco, coffee, and certain forms of rice


How did the mongols contribute to cultural exchange between east and west ?

Fostered cultural exchange by facilitating trade and promoting religious tolerance 


What is significance of the Gregorian calendar ?

Internationally accepted calendar system, based on solar year, used for civil and secular purposes 


How did trade routes facilitate cultural diffusion?

Provided pathways for the exchange of goods, ideas, and cultural practices between different regions.


Name on major reason for the decline of the aztec empire 

Spanish conquest led by Hernan cortes 


What was the impact of transatlantic slave trade on african societies?

The slave trade devastated Africa societies ,leading to population loss, social upheaval, and economic disruption.


Describe the military strategies that made the mongols successful conquerors 

The mongols employed superior cavalry tactics, combined with psychological warfare and effective organization, contributing to their military successes


Explain the concept of stratigraphy in archaeology 

The study of rock layers and soil strata, used to establish chronological sequences of archaeological finds.


Discuss the impact of the Silk Road on cultural exchange 

Instrumental in facilitating extensive cultural change between eats and west , resulting in the spread of religious beliefs , artistic styles , and technological innovations.


How did the geography of mesoamerica influence the development of its civilizations?

Mesoamerican diverse geography ,including mountains,valleys,and coastlines, led to the development of unique cultures and agricultural practices adapated to different environments 


Discuss the economic implications of the transatlantic slave trade for European nations 

Slave trade filed the economies of European nations,particulary Britain,France, and Spain, providing them with vast wealth and resources


Analyze the long term effects of mongol rule on the regions they conquered 

Mongols rule resulted in both positive and negative long term consequences including increased trade, cultural exchange, but also significant disruption and devastation in some regions 


Discuss how chronological frameworks help historians understand historical events 

Frameworks provide a structure for organizing and understanding historical events , allowing historians to identify cause and effect relationships , and to analyze change over Time.


Analyze the role of technology in cultural diffusion throughout history

Played a crucial role in accelerating and expanding the scope of cultural diffusion, from the printing press to the internet.