This character says, "It was the phoniest conversation you ever heard in your life."
Who is Holden?
This character's name means "swollen feet."
Who is Oedipus?
This weapon is used by Raskolnikov in his murders in the novel Crime and Punishment.
What is an axe?
This war veteran became a recluse after writing his award-winning novel.
Who is J.D. Salinger?
This is lodged in Gregor's back in the novel The Metamorphosis.
What is an apple?
This character says, "Nothing, nothing had the least importance and I knew quite well why."
Who is Meursault?
These two women are brutally murdered in the novel Crime and Punishment.
Who are Alyona and Lizaveta Ivanovna?
These are worn by characters during the dance in the play Much Ado About Nothing.
What are masks?
This world-renowned author was exiled to Siberia when he was only twenty-eight.
Who was Fyodor Dostoyevsky?
This goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs in the evening.
What is a man?
This character says, "Go at once, this very minute, stand at the cross-roads, vow down, first kiss the earth which you have defiled, and then vow down to all the world and say to all man aloud, 'I am a murderer!'"
Who is Sonya?
This man becomes the closest friend of Meursault's mother in the novel The Stranger.
Who is Thomas Pérez?
This is the color of Sunny's dress in The Catcher in the Rye.
What is green?
This Nobel Prize recipient died in an automobile accident only two years after winning his award.
Who is Albert Camus?
This is the place where Meursault watches an unfamiliar woman eat and leave in the novel The Stranger.
What is Céleste's Café?
This character says, "I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest."
Who is Beatrice?
This character welcomes Holden into his home, only to scare him off by making him feel violated, in the novel The Catcher in the Rye.
Who is Mr. Antolini?
This is covered by Gregor to keep it from being taken away by his family in the novel The Metamorphosis.
What is a picture on the wall?
This famous playwright wrote over a hundred compositions, but only seven exist in entirety.
Who is Sophocles?
This is the skin disease that Salamano's dog suffers from in the novel The Stranger.
What is mange?
This character says, " Stop, my children, weep no more."
Who is Theseus?
This character shoots himself in the novel Crime and Punishment.
Who is Svidrigailov?
This is used by Oedipus to stab out his own eyes.
What is a brooch?
This author died of tuberculosis at the age of forty.
Who is Franz Kafka?
This song is playing when Holden is crying at the end of the novel The Catcher in the Rye.