Who is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, and is revered as the greatest of ancient Greek epic poet
Who is Homer
What is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer.
What is The Odyssey
Her father often said, "Girl you owe me a son-in-law," and again often, "Daughter, you owe me grandsons." ... "Dearest father, let me be a virgin for ever!"
What is Ovid's the Metamorphoses; Phoebus pursues Daphne
"Nine days and nine nights did we sail, and on the tenth day our native land showed on the horizon. We got so close in that we could see the stubbles fires buring, and I, bein then dead beat, fell into a light sleep, or I had never let the rubber out of my own hands, that we might get home the faster.... "How this man gets honoured and makes friends to whatever city or country he may go..."
What is Homer's, The Odyssey. Book 9
"He then took he cup an drank. He was so delighted with the taste of the wine that he begged me for another bowl full. 'Be so kind,' he said, 'as to give me some more, and tell me your name at once. I want to make you a present that you will be glad to have. We have wine even in this country for our soil grows grapes and the sun ripens them but this drinks like nectar and ambrosia all in one.'
What is Homer's, The Odyssey book 10
Who was a Roman poet best known for the Metamorphoses, a 15-book continuous mythological narrative written in the meter of epic, and for collections of love poetry in elegiac couplets, especially the Amores ("Love Affairs") and Ars Amatoria ("Art of Love").
Who is Ovid
what is the name of the poem where the boy wanted to wash her clothes.
What is I Wish I Were Her Nubian Maid.
"Go up on the wall of Uruk and walk around, examine its foundation, inspect its brickwork league city, on league palm gardens, one league lowlands, the open area of the Ishtar Temple."
What is The epic of Gilgamesh (part 1)
"By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from al the work of creating that he had done."
What is Genesis 2
"God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all the people on earth had corrupted their ways. So God said to Noah, "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence because of them.... So make yourself an ark of cypress wood..."
what is Genesis 6 (Noah and the flood)
Who translated The Epic of Gilgamesh?
Who is Maureen Gallery Kovacs
what is the name of the poem when a girl had deep thoughts about a guy and wanted to kiss him but his mother was standing at the door with him?
What is "I passed close by his house"
"six days and seven nights I mourned over him ad would not allow him to be buried until a maggot fell out of his nose"
What is the epic of Gilgamesh Pt. 4
my dream is extremely important. my friend, the mountain which you saw in the dream is Humbaba. It means we will capture Humbaba, and kill him and throw his corpse in the wasteland.
What is the epic of Gilgamesh Pt. 2
"He would tell his idea to Ea,...."What is shall compact blood, I shall cause bones to be, I shall make stand a human being, let 'man' be its name. I shall create human kind...."
What is the Enuma Elish.
Who wrote the poem "My God my Lotus"
who is Unknown
what is the name of the poem when a guy is sick over a girl but if he could just see ,touch, or her, he would be healed?
What is "Seven whole days"
"Primeval Apsu was their progenitor. And matrix-Tiamat was she who bore them all, They were all mingling their waters together.." What two domains of water connect these two gods?
What are fresh and ocean water?
"tell our men t leave off crying, I know how much all of you have suffered at sea, and how ill you have fared among cruel savages on the mainland"
What is The Odyssey Book 10
In this Egyptian love poem, the woman would rather have him "take her breast" to nourish and give "a bedsheet" to her lover than him leave her.
What is "Am I Not Here With You?"
This origin story author, known for Genesis, remains in a contradictory state to the vivid tales of the creation of light and the Flood that purged the world, which remain familiar today.
What is unknown?
This epic poem that focuses on the Olympus and the gods that govern the world shows the changes between Greek and Roman editions. You could say it underwent a few "alterations."
What is metamorphoses?
"Immediately Phaeton, delighted at his mother's words, imagining the heavens in his mind, darts off...and with energy reaches the East." Looks as if he was headed to the Land of the Rising Sun.
What is Metamorphoses?
"'I wish I could be as sure of killing you outright and sending you down to the House of Hades, as I am that it will take more then Neptune to cure hat eye of yours.'" Whom is Odysseus regarding?
Who is Polyphemus?
"I have been looking at you, but your appearance is not strange- you are like me! You yourself is not different- you are like me!" Gilgamesh is astonished when he meets Utanapishtim, whom he seeks out in whose memory?
Who is Enkidu?