Rules of World of Work
What is the 1st rule of World of Work?
The 1st rule of World of Work is PAY YOURSELF FIRST.
You receive money for a special occasion such as a birthday or graduation. What do you do with that money?
You SAVE SOME. That's also the 1st rule of World of Work.
What is a budget?
A budget is a financial plan to decide what you spend your money on and how much you are going to spend.
What is a career?
A career is the job or profession you choose to do through out your life. You can have more than one career in life. Many people choose to have two or three careers in a lifetime.
Name two businesses that a kid might start.
Answers can vary.
What is the 2nd rule of World of Work?
The 2nd rule of World of Work is WORK AT WHAT YOU LOVE.
Name a place where you can save money.
A piggy bank of any kind and an FDIC bank.
You earn $10 a week for you allowance. How much do you pay yourself?
Pay yourself at least $1.00 for every $10.00 you earn. If you earn $50.00, then you pay yourself at least $5.00. You can always save more money if you want to.
Name a career that requires a college education?
Careers that requires a college education are teacher, lawyer, police officer, medical doctor, etc.... Answers can vary.
In City Panning we learned about two different kinding of building zones. Name one of those zones.
The two kinds of building zones we learned are commercial and residential.
Being kind is one of our school rules. Why is being kind also a good rule for World of Work.
Being kind to those you work with or those who are customers means people will enjoy working with you and you may be promoted to a better job. If you Have customers they will enjoying coming to you place of business and doing business with you. Your income and profits will increase.
How many saving accounts are you allowed to have?
By law, you are allowed to have as many savings accounts as you want.
What is the first item on any budget you make?
The first item on any budget you make is how much you plan on paying yourself OR what you will put into savings.
We spent a whole class learning about one career. What was that career?
We spent a whole class learning about City Planning.
Come up with a catchy business name for a business that makes fancy food. Have fun with this question. Be creative and smart.
Ms. Van O will decide.
If you are a student and starting your own business, who is a trusted person (besides your friend) to help you start and guide you with your business?
A trusted person who can help you with your business is your parent, an older trusted family member, or a teacher.
Banks and piggy banks are excellent places to keep money. However, why is it better to keep money in the bank?
The bank pays you interest on the amount of money you have deposited into the bank. In other words, the bank pays you to keep your money in their bank and you earn even more money when you keep it in the bank.
Part of our budgeting always includes that some of our money will go to charity. What is charity?
Charity is the giving of money, services, or goods to people or a group so that people will be provided food, clothing, shelter, education, and medical care.
You want to be a deep sea diver, what subjects in school do you think you should study?
Math, Science, Physics, Marine Biology, etc.. You may also want to study how to work in teams and partners because you will always have a partner when you go deep sea diving.
Another team will come up with the your question and your team has to answer it.
That was fun!!!
Part of operating and managing a business includes giving back to the community in a form of charity. If you are running a hot dog stand, how can your business give to charity?
Answers will vary.
Can you name 4 banks in El Cajon?
Four banks in El Cajon are Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Chase, and Union Bank.
What does it mean to be OVER and/or UNDER budget?
Being OVER budget means you have spent more money than you have planned on spending. Being UNDER budget means you spent less than you planned on spending and that's a very good thing!!!! It means you can put extra money into savings
You're thinking about starting a business. What should you do first?
Answers can vary. However, answer must include some form of planning.
What is person who is called an entrepreneur?
A person who is called an entrepreneur starts companies and businesses. Kids can be entrepreneurs.