Civil War
Collective Security
Alliances work best when actors have strong common interests and when fighting war is preferable to this.
What is abandoning?
These interests might be held by a small business or an ethnic minority.
What are particularistic interests?
This is a military strategy in which small often lightly armed units engage in hit-and-run attacks against military, government, and civilian targets.
What is insurgency?
Contrary to widely held beliefs terrorism can be seen as this, because actors' interests are pursued through strategic, purposive behavior.
What is rational?
These are attempts to relieve crises stemming from civil conflicts or large-scale human rights abuses, including genocide.
What are humanitarian interventions?
71% of these types of alliances form to prevent future conflict as opposed to immediately resolving a threat.
What is defensive?
This is an alliance between military leaders and the industry that stands to benefit from conflict.
What is the Military Industrial Complex?
A conflict in which two opposing states "fight" by supporting opposite sides in war, an example of which is the Vietnam war.
What is a proxy war?
Terrorism is usually carried out by these actors whose interests are not widely shared by others.
Who are extremists?
A military operation in which force is used to impose a peace on warring parties through active intervention.
What is a peace-enforecement operation?
The U.S.'s desire to utilize strategic ambiguity to deter China from attacking Taiwan, and to get Taiwan to act with restraint is an example of the trade-off between credibility and this
What is control?
This is the tendency for people to become more supportive of a country’s government in times of crises or wars.
What is the rally effect?
This acronym stands for counterinsurgency, where the government uses military operations to protect civilians through patrolling cities, which also reduces the number of civilian casualties.
What is a COIN?
Most terrorists are young, unmarried men who are relatively well educated. They do not necessarily have this characteristic, contrary to popular belief.
What is religious fanaticism?
China, Russia, the U.S., Great Britain and this country are the five permanent members of the UN Security Council that each have veto power abilities.
What is France?
This strategy of alliances is when states join forces with the stronger side in a conflict.
What is bandwagoning?
The 1982 Falkland war between Britain and Argentina is an example of this, where governments drive negative domestic issues out of the news with foreign conflict.
What is the diversionary incentive?
Unlike SEPARATISM where groups want to form an independent state, this is where a group wants to attach itself to a different already existing state.
What is irredentism?
Like in poker when a player raises her bet to convince others that she is holding a stronger hand, this strategy of terrorists attacks is intended to rally support from home populations.
What is outbidding?
An operation in which lightly armed troops and observers are deployed to monitor a ceasefire or peace agreement.
What is a peacekeeping operation?
A situation in which the military capabilities of two states are roughly equal is referred to as this.
What is balance of power?
Because the interests of the leaders who go to war and those who actually fight do not always align, it is important that citizens have this over their leaders.
What is accountability?
Like international war, civil wars can be the result of this bargaining failure where any deal by the government that requires disarmament by a rebel group affects the groups future bargaining power.
What are commitment problems?
People who participate in terrorists organizations do so no to achieve their official goals but to experience this with other members.
What is social solidarity?
After the 1990's there was optimism for a cohesive UN Security Council until this event occurred in 2003.
What is the US invasion of Iraq?