Day 1
Day 2 and 3
Day 4 and 5
Day 6

a national policy that promotes avoiding political and economic involvement with other countries

What is Isolationism?


expanding democracy to other nations. spreading Christianity throughout the worldbuilding naval bases across the globe. gaining access to new markets and raw materials

What is Reasons for Expansion?


Territories the U.S gained from the Spanish American War

What is Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines?


Increased after the United States gained Guam and the Philippines. 

What is trade with China?


when one country extends economic, political, cultural, or military control over a weaker nation

What is Imperialism?


To bring in a new territory. 

What is annexation (annex)


prioritized peaceful negotiations but carried an unspoken threat of military force when necessary. Theodore Roosevelt used his Great White Fleet to enforce this. 

What was "Big Stick" Policy?


stated that no single country could have a monopoly on trade with China

What was the Open Door Policy?


declared the Western Hemisphere off-limits to any further colonization by European nation.

What was the Monroe Doctrine?


Person who overthrew the Queen Lili'uokalani and helped annex Hawaii

Who was Sanford B Dole?


 Stated that the United States would use its military power to monitor Latin American countries and ensure they maintained peace and stability

What was the Roosevelt Corollary?


a violent uprising that aimed to drive out all foreigners from China

What was the Boxer Rebellion?


advised the United States to avoid forming permanent alliances with foreign nations

What is George Washington's Farewell Address?


Exploded in Havana Harbor. Led to the United States declaring war on Spain. 

What was the USS Maine?


Using financial influence rather then military power to maintain peace in Latin America

What was Dollar Diplomacy?


greatly reduced travel time for commercial and military ships by providing them with a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

What was the Panama Canal?


person who encouraged the U.S. government to increase the size of its military, particularly its naval fleet

Who was Alfred Thayer Mahan?


Newspapers exaugurated the news in order to sell papers. Led to many Americans supporting the Cuba against Spain. 

What was yellow journalism?


Helped make the United States a world power

What was the Spanish American War?


the warm tropical climate. lack of workers. the unstable terrain. disease-carrying mosquitoes

What are difficulties constructing the Panama Canal?