who is the prophet?
prophet Mohammad.
who is there messenger?
MULTIPAL CHOICE: who is there prophet?
A) adam
b) yahiya
c) musa
D) yussaf
c) musa
how many days are there for eid?
when is chritmas day?
the 25 of december
what is the holy book called?
TRUE OR FALSE: Christmas is about celebrating his death?
how many books are there in the Jewish faith?
24 books
was Mary married when she had Jesus?
who took care of the prophet Mohammad after the death of his mother?
his grandfather
TRUE OR FALSE: is the pillars of Iman five?
false, 6
MULTIPLE CHOICE: how many disciples did Jesus have?
A) 12
B) 20
C) 10
a) 12
what are the two important symbols of Judaism?
menorah and the star of David.
what are the five major world religions?
christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, buddhism.
what are the 5 pillers of islam?
shahada, Salah, zakat, sawm, hajj
TRUE OR FALSE: the number of heavenly books mentioned in the Quran is five?
who was the disicple that betrayed Jesus?
TRUE OR FALSE: the Jews think there messiah has not come yet?
MULTIPLE CHOICE: how many major seasons are there on the Christian calander?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 5
A) 2
what is the first part of the Jewish bible?
the Pentateuch (Torah)
MULTIPLE CHOICE: the prophet that was thrown into the fire is,
a) Mohammad
b) isa
c) Ibrahim
c) Ibrahim
what are the 7 major miracles?
changing water into whine, healing the royal officals son, healing the paralytic, feeding the 5000, Jesus walking on water, healing the man blind from birth and the raising of a dead man
what are the liberal and conservative denominations?
reform Judaism, reconstructionist Judaism, conservative Judaism and orthodox Judaism.
what is advent day?
four weeks leading up to Christmas
what is the surah that doesn't start with the basmalah?
Al- Tawbah