The Buddha urged people to avoid these "extremes". This is the middle way.
Wealth vs total poverty.....excessive lifestyle vs homelessness and going without everything
Cycle of re-birth until enlightement is reached
This is a commonality between Hinduism and Buddhism. In Buddhism, referred to as Nibbana.
What is Nirvana? (enlightenment)
Through out the Universe, Cause of all existence, carried by all...
Moral Code inside of the Bible-similarity with Judaism (moses)
The Ten Commandments
Origin location of the faith
Modern Day Saudi Arabia
They include: right view, speech, intention, effort, action, etc
Eightfold Path
Two things Judaism, Christianity and Islam have in common.
believe in prophets
Life is suffering, desire leads to suffering, avoid desire to avoid suffering, and 8 Fold path is the way.
The Four Noble Truths
Good behavior, but also social order-reality
King who is mentioned by Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount, don't live by "eye for an eye".
Claim God, daily prayer, charity, pilgrimage, fast during Ramadan
Five Pillars of Islam