Jobs of townspeople
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True or false: medieval money differed from town to town.



Which style of cathedral used flying buttresses?



A craftsman presented his masterpiece while he was a...



Who were the first people to settle towns?



Give all three stages of a craftsman learning a trade in detail.

Apprentice: They worked for a master for 2-10 years and learned his trade. They also did chores for the master as well.

Journeyman: They worked for other masters for short periods and moved from town to town looking for work. When a journeyman mastered their trade they would present a masterpiece to the guild members.

Master: If their masterpiece is truly a masterpiece they will become a master, open their own shop, and teach others of their trade.


Fix this statement: In the medieval times "going to the bench" meant the coach is resting you on the sidelines of a sports event.

If someone said I am "going to the bench" that meant they were going to do business at the bank.


True or false: Romanesque uses stained glass.

False. Gothic uses stained glass.


How were merchants and craftsmen connected?

The merchants bought and sold goods, while the craftsmen manufactured goods. Both were part of the guild.


What material was used in most medieval buildings?



Name every country that borders France.

Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, and Belgium.


Explain in detail how letters of credit worked.

A merchant left an amount of money with the banker, who gave him a letter of credit equal to that amount. Then, once a merchant arrives at a different bank, if they accept the letter of credit they will give you that amount in that town's currency. 


Because of the little windows in the Romanesque style of cathedrals, what did the builders add to add some light?

The builders painted the walls, hung colorful tapestries, placed candles, and put up torches.


How did the craftsmen, farmers, and merchants help each other?

The farmers gave them produce for new tools to improve their farm.


True or false: As towns grew, class divisions began to break down.



How were the new orders of clergy different from other clergy?

They did not live in a single church but lived in monasteries near the towns.


What did people do at guilds?

Did business, talked, play games, have meetings, on special days have banquets and pageants, provided for members needs, relaxed, have parades, and watch and play in sports events.


Why did townspeople construct new cathedrals? (Name all three reasons.)

They wanted new places to worship, they wanted to show other towns their wealth and confidence, and they wanted to thank God for the blessings of town life.


What is the meaning of the Latin word friars and what two orders began at this time?

Brother. The two orders that began at this time were the Dominicans and Franciscans.


What was a town charter?

A legal document listing the privileges of the townspeople.


When did Rome fall and what happened in Europe because of it?

476 A.D. The fall of Rome made trade stop because of poorly maintained roads and bandits keeping people off the roads so many people started using a barter economy.


Explain the difference between a barter and a money economy. Give one reason that the medieval economy changed from barter to money. 

In a barter economy a person trades goods rather than money for goods or services. One reason that the medieval economy changed from barter to money is to simplify trade.


Name every characteristic of the Romanesque architectural style.

The Romanesque architectural style has rounded vaults, thick stone walls, small windows, painted walls, colorful tapestries, candles, torches, dark, and cold.


Explain why everyone at that time probably wanted to be a master.(Say the benefits.)

You can own your own shop and make more money, you get to judge the masterpieces, you get premium guild member care (for when you are sick), and you can hire others to help you in your business.


What type of climate does France mostly have? What type of climate does the south have?

Temperate. In the south is Mediterranean.


Summarize the entire chapter in one paragraph.

Traders settled in towns to have a place to work. Many people came into the towns to be free from the lord. Many towns made different forms of money to replace trade, so many people became moneychangers. Merchants and craftsmen organized into guilds to set standards, sell their products, and do social and fun stuff. Many townspeople followed the teachings of the Roman church and built cathedrals to worship God and gather in.