The Crusades
Malian and Ghanaian Empire
The Byzantine Empire
The Black Plague
The Inca and Aztec

A series of religious wars ranging from (1095-1291). Christians aimed to reclaim Jerusalem.

What were the Crusades?


This leader is credited with founding the Malian Empire.

Who was Sundiata Keita?


This capital city held immense power in the region, as it was the center for trade between Europe and Asia.

What is Constantinople?


This devastating global pandemic killed an estimated 30-50% of the population.

What was the Black Plague?


The Inca capital city showcased a strong centralized government with a powerful bureaucracy.

What is Cuzco?


Called by Pope Urban the II, this action successfully captured Jerusalem.

What was the First Crusade?


This leader is considered to be one of the richest human beings to ever live. His pilgrimage to Mecca flipped entire economic systems upside down because of his immense wealth.

What was Mansa Musa?


These laws were codified from previous Roman laws. Byzantine leadership saw themselves as a continuation of the Holy Roman Empire.

What is Justinian's Code?


This form of governance started to end during the Black Plague due to peasants vying for bargaining power. Under this system, local nobility controlled the peasant class.

What is feudalism?


This group of men carried out the conquests and explorations of the "Age of Discovery". They sailed beyond the Iberian Peninsula to the Americas, Oceania, Africa and Asia, establishing new colonies and trade routes. They brought much of the "New World" under the dominion of Spain.

What are Conquistadors?


This military leader and king led the Christian side of the Third Crusade, against Saladin in the late 12th century.

Who was Richard the Lionheart?


This major cultural, intellectual, and scholarly center was massively important in the Malian Empire. Its main university is still in operation today.

What is Timbuktu?


This term refers to the split between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches.

What is The Great Schism?


This organisms were the primary carriers of the Black Plague. The bacterium was then spread by rats, humans, guinea pigs, etc.

What are fleas?


This Aztec capital was extremely sophisticated and built onto an island within Lake Texcoco.

What was Tenochtitlan?


These are the current day countries involved in the Crusades. (name at least 2)

What are Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, and Jordan?


This was the capital of the Ghanaian Empire. It was known as a center for trade and wealth.

What is Kumbi Saleh?


This topic is seen as highly controversial. It involves the use of religious icons / images in worship.

What is Iconoclasm?


The profound impact of the plague caused many to question this institution's power and authority.

What is the church?


The Aztec and Inca both practiced this form of religion, that is - they worshiped many gods.

What is polytheism?


The city of Jerusalem is considered holy by each of these three religions.

What are Islam, Christianity, and Judaism?


The existence of the Ghanaian Empire paved the way for the Malian Empire and this empire, located in modern-day Niger, Mali, Mauritania, Senegal, Nigeria, Guinea, Gambia, Southern Algeria, Burkina Faso, and the Ivory Coast.

What was the Songhai Empire?


Originally a Christian Church, this impressive Byzantine architectural building would later become a mosque. It's name translates to "Holy Wisdom."

What is the Hagia Sophia?


The black plague impacted this body system. From there it would infect the blood and lungs.

What is the lymphatic system?


This downfall of the Aztec Empire is typically related the the introduction of diseases like smallpox, but also the arrival of this man. A conquistador from Spain

Who was Hernán Cortés?