Nausea; seething; bubbling in the stomach.
A. Wordle
B. Wamble
C. Weavel
What is a Wamble?
Plural Wambles
A common item found or collected at the beach
What is a Seashell?
The forward end of an aircraft or submarine
(hint its part of the head)
What is the nose?
What is read between the lines?
You must spell the answer
Flip 2 letters in a lumberjack's falling-tree yell, and get this quality of sound in a voice.
The meaning of Cattywumpus.
What is Askew, Awry? Also acceptable Kitty-Corner
Cattywampus is a variant of catawampus, another example of grand 19th century American slang. In addition to “askew” catawampus may refer to “an imaginary fierce wild animal,” or may mean “savage, destructive.”
derived from German, it is a strong passion or desire for traveling and seeing the world.
What is Wanderlust?
A spoken language.
(hint its part of the head)
What is a tongue?
What is Merry Go Round?
You must spell the answer
Medical condition characterized by involuntary sleeping
What is N-A-R-C-O-L-E-P-S-Y
What something is if its Eellogofusciouhipoppokunurious.
A: Very Good
B: Very Bad
C: completely ridiculous
Very Good
A 30-letter adjective meaning "very good, very fine". It can be found in Wisen's dictionary of American slang, printed in 1934. It appears to be an American slang originating in the area of Nebraska, Oregon, and Massachusetts. It was probably formed as a portmanteau by adjoining together two pre-existing words.
originally referring to a type of barrier,
it is another name for some of the toll roads on the east coast.
what is a turnpike?
In tune with the latest fashion and music.
(Hint its a common joint for replacements)
What is hip?
A style of house
What is a Split-Level House?
You must spell the answer
What eye doctors do to pupils to get a better look inside your eye.
What is D-I-L-A-T-E
Another name for the big toe
A. Big John
B. Halitosis
C. Hallux
What is Hallux?
the name of this illegally distilled liquor goes back to when it was made under cover of darkness.
What is Moonshine
To gently tease another person.
(hint its part of your torso)
What is a rib?
What is Thermal Underwear?
You must spell the answer
the state of being intoxicated; or drunk.
The meaning of Kerfuffle
A disorderly outburst, disturbance, commotion
"there was a kerfuffle over the chairmanship"
This 8-letter compound word can follow nuclear to refer to a dangerous accident
or mean a total loss of emotional control
What is Meltdown?
She had a meltdown.
The area experienced a Nuclear Meltdown.
To climb a rope or pole using one's legs.
(hint it is part of the leg)
What is to shin.
What is Bibframe?
You must spell the answer
a short bar with a weight at each end, used typically in pairs for exercise or muscle-building.
What is a D-U-M-B-B-E-L-L