Political Alliances
Treaties and Agreements
Causes of the War
Aftermath and Consequences
Major Battles

Q: Which two main alliances faced off in WWI?

What is The Allies and the Central Powers


Q: Which treaty signed in 1918 marked the official end of hostilities on the Western Front?

What is The Armistice of Compiègne 


Q: What was the immediate cause of WWI that triggered the conflict in 1914?

What is The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand


Q: What treaty formally ended WWI and imposed heavy reparations on Germany?

What is The Treaty of Versailles 


Q: What was the name of the battle fought in 1916 that was one of the longest and bloodiest of WWI?

What is The Battle of the Somme


Q: Which country was a member of the Triple Entente along with France and Russia?

What is The United Kingdom


Q: What treaty established the boundaries of the new states of Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania?

What is The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk


Q: What term describes the policy of building up strong armed forces to prepare for war?

What is Militarism


Q: Which new political entity was created out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire after WWI?

What is The Republic of Austria


Q: Which battle in 1914 marked the beginning of trench warfare on the Western Front?

What is The Battle of the Marne


Q: What was the name of the alliance that included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy before WWI?

What is The Triple Alliance


Q: Which treaty formally ended the war between Germany and Russia?

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk


Q: What is the term for the political alliance system that created a domino effect leading to the spread of the conflict?

What is Entangling Alliances


What was the name of the league established in 1920 to promote peace and prevent future conflicts?

What is The League of Nations


Q: Which 1917 battle was a failed Allied offensive intended to relieve pressure on the French at Verdun?

What is The Battle of Passchendaele


Q: Which country joined the Allies in 1917, tipping the balance of power?

What is The United States


Q: What was the name of the agreement that forced Germany to accept responsibility for the war and pay reparations?

What is The Treaty of Versailles


Q: What was the name of the nationalist movement that contributed to tensions in the Balkans before WWI?

What is Pan-Slavism


Q: What was one major economic consequence faced by Germany after WWI?

What is Hyperinflation 


Q: In which battle did the British forces attempt to capture the Gallipoli Peninsula, resulting in a costly stalemate?

What is The Battle of Gallipoli


Q: What was the alliance called that was formed by the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria during the war?

What is The Central Powers


Q: What was the main goal of the Treaty of Saint-Germain, signed in 1919?

What is To formally dissolve the Austro-Hungarian Empire and establish new national boundaries


Q: What was the term used to describe the competition for colonies and resources that contributed to the outbreak of WWI?

What is Imperialism 


Q: Which empire was dissolved as a result of WWI, leading to the creation of several new countries in the Middle East?

What is The Ottoman Empire 


Q: What was the final major battle of WWI that led to the armistice being signed in November 1918?

What is The Battle of the Argonne Forest