He was president during the Great War but, while he promoted democracy abroad, he did not promote equality at home for minorities.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
Name of the Act signed by Congress to draft men into WWI?
What is the Selective Service Act?
What is the Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
Another word for wearing down the enemy. Both WWI and the Civil War are an example of this key term!
What is battle of attrition?
This revolutionary leader made a deal with Germany to pull Russia peacefully out of the war.
Who is Vladimir Lenin?
The movement of African Americans leaving the South for economic opportunities in the North.
What is The Great Migration?
This is a loan to the American Government that Americans expected interest back post war.
What is a War Bond, Liberty Bond, Victory Bond?
Name at least four of the main causes of WWI. (Not including the Assassination!)
The most dominant weapon of WWI.
What is Machine Gun.
The month, day, and year the Armistice was signed.
What is November 11th, 1918?
This ethnic group faced extreme prejudice during WWI in the United States. Many of these people changed their last names due to the political climate in the United States.
Who are German Americans?
The American agency responsible for propaganda and swaying public opinion for the war.
What is the Committe on Public Information?
Name the passenger ship that was sunk off the coast of Ireland and acted a push (not THE push) for the United States to enter the conflict.
What is the Lusitania?
To survive crossing the Atlantic and U-Boats ships sailed using this method.
What is the convoy system?
Woodrow Wilson creates this document outlining terms for world peace and democracy for Post-war world.
What is the Fourteen Points?
These happened after men came home from the war as a result of competition for jobs and housing in Northern cities.
What are race riots?
This future president promoted Victory Gardens while he was the head of the Food Administration during the Great War.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
What is Russia, France, and Great Britain?
These two types of gas were used during WWI but were banned in future wars because of their effects on soldiers.
What is Chlorine Gas and Mustard Gas?
The treaty that ends WWI as a result of the Paris Peace Conference.
Women often worked in these roles during WWI, providing a critical part to the war effort at home and in Europe.
What are workers and nurses? Either works.
The person arrested under the Espionage and Sedition Acts for giving out leaflets speaking out against the draft.
Who is Charles Schenck?
The neutral country Germany invades in WWI and WWII to invade France.
Name of the tank used after "Little Willie" is a failure on the WWI Battlefield.
What is "Mother?"
These three main things were part of Germany's "War Guilt Clause." These were the three main requirements of Germany post-war.
What are 1) reparations, 2) disarmament, and 3) losing large land areas to France and Poland?