How many people would lose their life in World War 1?
100 million
True or False: Hitler was very popular amongst his comrades
What is it called when the goal of war is to kill as many of the enemy as possible?
Another name for WW1
The Great War
This 1946 film, often considered a Christmas classic, follows a dad that gains a new appreciation for what he has.
It's a Wonderful Life
What profession was Hitler interested in?
Being an artist
What army denied Hitler?
The area between the trenches is known as...
What's one new piece of technology introduced in WW1?
Machine Guns
Poison Gas
In Italy, children receive presents on January 6th, brought by an old woman named La Befana, who is said to travel on this mode of transportation.
This event sparked World War 1
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
What was Hitler's job in the trenches?
Why was World War 1 so devastating?
More advanced weaponry
How many years did the war last?
4 years
The tradition of the Christmas pickle, where a glass pickle ornament is hidden on the tree for children to find, originates from this country.
What two sides are fighting when WW1 begins?
The Allies (Britain, France, and Russia) and the Central Powers (Austria-Hungary, Germany, and the Ottoman Empire).
What army did Hitler end up joining?
This declared that Germany should take all responsibility for WW1
Treaty of Versailles
This ocean liner was sunk by a German U-Boat in 1915, killing 1,198 people and helping to turn public opinion in the United States against Germany.
The Lusitania
This holiday drink, traditionally made with wine, milk, sugar, and spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, is named after a popular Yuletide plant.
What year did the conflict begin?
What happened between Henry Tandey and Adolf Hitler?
Tandey had the opportunity to shoot Hitler, but didn't.
Who wins the war?
The Allies
This major global pandemic, which spread rapidly during the final months of World War I, caused millions of deaths worldwide.
Spanish Flu
This Christmas carol, first published in 1780, was originally written as a hymn to celebrate the end of a long war. Its lyrics were later adapted to become one of the most well-known carols of the holiday season.
Joy to the World