These pests were found in the trenches during the war.
What are rats and lice?
This battle had very muddy conditions due to the massive shell craters left behind mixed with heavy rain.
What is the battle of Passchendaele?
Anyone suspected of being a threat to the government could be imprisoned or deported, or both.
What is an enemy alien?
This was used to scout enemy positions, and later one had machine guns added to them.
What are airplanes?
Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria.
The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
What was the spark of WWI?
The battle where Germans first used poison gas at a large-scale.
What is the Second Battle of Ypres?
A certificate that Canadians applied for when they did not want to participate in the war.
What is an exemption?
This sheltered soldiers from gun fire while crossing no man's land and was armoured with machine guns.
What are tanks?
The countries initially part of the Entente (Allied) Powers.
France, Great Britain, and Russia
An old term used to describe soldiers who had Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
What is Shell Shock?
This battle led to the development a famous landmark commemorates Canadian soldiers who were killed in this battle.
What is the Battle of Vimy Ridge?
The forced enlistment in the armed forces of all fit men of certain ages
What is conscription?
Germany was the first to use this poison gas on the battlefield.
What is chlorine gas?
This country joined the war as a dominion of the British Empire.
What is Canada?
The Prime Minister of Canada during WWI.
Who is Robert Borden?
The creeping barrage tactic was used during this battle.
What is the Battle of Somme?
The act that made conscription mandatory for all Canadian men between the ages of 20 and 45
What is the Military Services Act?
These were known as German submarines
What are U-Boats?
The city and country where Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.
What is Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary?
The causes of WWI (with definitions).
What is Militarism, or the increase of enlisting, training, occupying, and maintaining armed forces in a country?; What are Alliances, or a union or agreement among groups working toward a common goal?; What is Imperialism, or a system where one powerful nation conquers, controls and exploits one or more colonies, usually on other continents; and What is Nationalism, or an intense form of patriotism or loyalty to one’s country?
November 11, 1918 marked the end of Canadians fighting in this battle.
This gave the government emergency powers to do whatever it thought necessary for the “security, defence, peace, order and welfare of Canada.”
What is the War Measures Act?
This is another name for Zeppelins (inflatable airships).
What are dirigibles?
These trenches ran through Northern France and Belgium.
What is the Western Front?