War at Home
War in the Trenches
Theodore Roosevelt and the Progressive Movement
Potpourri 2
The spreading of ideas about an institution or an individual for the purpose of influencing opinion.
What is propaganda?
Created by Congress and run by Bernard Baruch,this organization coordinated production of war materials. It also told manufacturers what to produce, ordered the construction of new factories and set prices and wages.
What is the War Industries Board?
The space between opposing trenches characterized by a rough, barren landscape and pockmarked with craters from artillery fire.
What is no man's land?

A prime example of Roosevelt's "Speak softly and carry a big stick" policy, he sent 16 battleships known by this name on a voyage around the world to showcase the U.S.'s miltary might.

What is the Great White Fleet?

This was a message sent from Germany to Mexico which was intercepted by the British. It proposed that Mexico ally itself with Germany in the event of war between Germany and the United States. In return, Germany promised Mexico would "regain" its lost territory in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona.
What is the Zimmermann telegram?

He said, , “Wilson has Fourteen Points…God Almighty has only ten!”

Who was French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau?

Payments by the losing country in a war to the winner for the damages caused by the war.
What are reparations?
The Food Administration, headed by Herbert Hoover, encouraged citizens to plant these in an effort to leave more food for the troops.
What are victory gardens?
Germans first used this type of warfare to break through the stalemates of trench warfare. It caused vomiting, blindness, and suffocation.
What is poison gas warfare?

The name given to journalists who uncovered the filth of society that need to be cleaned up.(Political, business, governmental, or social corruption) Their articles promoted public debate and put pressure on politicians to introduce reforms.

Who were "Muckrakers"?

Name 3 countries on the Allied side and 3 counties on the Central Powers
Who are: 1) Allies: France, Russia, Great Britain, Italy and the United States. 2) Central Powers: Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria

Part of President Wilson's 14 Points was this , a creation of a group of countries with the goal of settling disputes through negotiation, rather than war.

What is the League of Nations?

A system in which merchant ships travel with naval vessels for protection.
What is the convoy system?
To fund the war effort, Congress raised income taxes, placed taxes on corporate profits, and the government sold these, which essentially loaned the U.S. government money from the American citizens. The government agreed to pay the money back to those who lent it at a future date plus interest.
What are Liberty/Victory bonds?
A medical condition peculiar to trench life. It was a fungal infection caused by cold, wet and unsanitary trench conditions. It could turn gangrenous and result in amputation.
Who is trench foot?

Tragedy in which 150 women workers died in a fire trapped by doors locked from the outside by management to prevent theft by the workers. The fire grew rapidly when firefighters couldn’t extinguish the fire, because the ladders on the fire truck wouldn’t reach high enough. This event led to better building and fire codes to prevent future disasters such as that one.

What is the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire of 1911?

This battle, led by General Pershing, shattered German defenses and opened a hole in the German line leading to an Allied victory.
What is the Battle of the Argonne Forest?

In 1918, this Act, along with the court case of "Schenck v. the United States" made it illegal to voice any public expression of opposition to the war. It allowed officials to prosecute anyone who criticized the President or the government, especially if it constituted a "clear and present danger". It was often used as an excuse to get rid of "undesirables" such as immigrants or suspected Communists.

What is the Sedition Act?

A temporary agreement to stop fighting.
What is an armistice?
He ran the Fuel Administration which managed the nation's use of coal and oil during the war. To conserve energy, he introduced daylight savings time and shortened workweeks for factories that did not make war materials.
Who is Harry Garfield?

These vermin were a major problem in the trenches. They spread infection, gorged themselves on human remains (grotesquely disfiguring them by eating their eyes and liver) and could grow to the size of a cat. Men, exasperated and afraid of these vermin (which would even scamper across their faces in the dark), would attempt to rid the trenches of them by various methods: gunfire, with the bayonet, and even by clubbing them to death. It was futile however: a single one could produce up to 900 offspring in a year, spreading infection and contaminating food.

What are rats?


It is what saved Teddy Roosevelt from being killed from an asassination attempt on October 14, 1912, while campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin under the Bull Moose Party.  Afterwards, probes and an x-ray showed that the bullet had lodged in Roosevelt's chest muscle, but did not penetrate his heart. 

What are his rolled up 50 page speech and his steel eye glass case in his shirt pocket?

Lenin signed this treaty with Germany, which essentially pulled Russia out of WWI, so it could focus on forming a Communist government. Under this treaty, Russia lost territory, but German troops left Russia.
What is the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk?

Name and define 4 main causes of WWI.

Militarism-Glorification & building up of armed forces.

Alliance Systems-An association of countries who agree to help assist each other or defend against opposing countries.

Imperialism-When powerful countries try to extend their power or influence by dominating other countries through diplomacy or military force.

Nationalism-Deep devotion to/extreme pride in one’s nation, usually at the expense of another’s. Usually leads to competition for markets/materials.

Bonus: Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Type of warfare in which an armed band carries out surprise attacks and sabotage rather than open warfare.
What is guerrilla warfare?
This Committee had the task of “selling” the war to the American people. The head of this committee was journalist George Creel, who recruited advertising executives, commercial artists. authors, songwriters, entertainers, public speakers, and motion picture companies to sway public opinion in favor of the war.
What was the Committee on Public Information?

These pests were a never-ending problem, breeding in the seams of filthy clothing and causing men to itch unceasingly. They caused Trench Fever, a particularly painful disease that began suddenly with severe pain followed by high fever. Recovery - away from the trenches - took up to twelve weeks. Even when clothing was periodically washed, their eggs invariably remained hidden in the seams; within a few hours of the clothes being re-worn the body heat generated would cause the eggs to hatch.

What are lice?


Name 4 major Progressive Reforms under Theodore Roosevelt's Presidency.

What are:

1) Pure Food and Drug Act: 

—called for heavy regulation and inspection of food and drug producers (ex. 1906 Meat Inspection Act)

—Led to the Pure Food and Drug Act, and later, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

2) Roosevelt and the Environment-TR believed in environmental conservation and added mor national parks and acres to existing national parks.

3) Labor relations: Helped resolve the 1902 Pennsylvania Coal strike.

—Mine owners refused to listen to the workers

—Roosevelt stepped in and threatened to take over the mines with the help of federal troops unless they came to an agreement with the Union.

—Workers got small pay rise and 9 hour workday- first time the fed. Govt. sided with workers in a labor dispute!

4) Trust Buster: 

—TR broke up trusts that he found were cheating consumers or running small businesses out of business.

—However, he felt that some trusts were more efficient and worked in the favor of the public. These trusts should be preserved, as long as they did business fairly.

Name 3 of the major terms Germany had to agree to with regard to the Treaty of Versailles.
What are: #1) Germany had to admit blame for starting the war. #2) Germany had to pay war reparations to the Allies in the amount of $33 billion. #3) Germany was stripped of its armed forces and was not allowed to re-arm/militarize. #4) Germany was stripped of 25,000 miles of territory and 7,000,000 people when new countries/territories formed. (Poland Czechoslovakia)

Name 4 major roles women played in WWI.

}Women- First war where women officially served in the armed forces, although in noncombat positions.  Nurses had served in the army and navy since the early 1900’s, but they were not assigned ranks, and they weren’t technically enlisted. Since most men were assigned to active duty in combat, women took clerical positions, radio operating jobs, electrician jobs, and also served as pharmacists and photographers. Women also filled the vacant industrial jobs left by men.