Causes of the War
War Stuff
Russian Rev
End of the War
Serbian Gavrilo Princip murdered Franz Ferdinand in this country

Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina 


What is a war of attrition?

A war which uses the long-term wearing down of an opponent in lengthy battles and constant attacks (such as with trench warfare)


What are the fundamental values of a communist system?

The goal of communism lies in achieving a classless society where the means of production are collectively owned and controlled by the community.

In this system society>the indvidual


What is the significance of the second battle of the Marne?

Germany's last big offensive in the war which was met by strong Allied resistance. Germany would never again launch an attack and would eventually lose the war due to their failing economy and death toll


Was trench warfare used again after WWI? Why or why not?

No... it has few benefits compared to the casualties 


Describe the goals of Serbians and Gavrilo Princip in the assassination of Franz Ferdinand

Nationalism - Serbians envisioned a unified Slavic nation in the Balkans and Austria Hungary had imperialized many slavic nations within the 1800s. The assassination was an act of protest against AH rule 


How did countries like Germany and France utilize "total war"

Using all of a country's resources, industry, and labor to mobilize for a war effort


Who were the Bolsheviks? What were their main goals? How did they take over Russia?

Lenin's supporters who formed a party of professional revolutionaries. 

Hope to overturn the Czar and create a communist Russian state through Revolution.

They took over Russia with the help of Lenin's return to Russia, occupation of Petrograd, and overthrow of the provisional government in the Winter Palace. They eventually suppress any opposition and win the Russian Civil War turning Russia into a dictatorial communist state by the early 1920s. 


What happened to Austria Hungary by the end of the war?

Nationalist uprising continued and as soon as Germany surrendered, both the German Kaiser Wilhelm II and the AH Hapsburg king Charles I abdicated their thrones. This allowed nationalist revolution in many slavic and central European states as well as allowing Russia to gain new territories. 


Which Russian monarch abdicated the throne during the Russian Revolution?

Nicholas II


Who were the two major alliances in the war?

Central powers - AH, Germany, Italy (until italy changes sides later)

Allies - USA, GB, France, Belgium, Russia, Serbia 


What was the Schlieffen Plan (Germany's plan of attack)? How successful was it?

Germany divides into 2 fronts. One front will attack Russia in the East. Second front attacks France in the West through Belgium.

Plan was not successful because the invasion of Belgium was too slow and Britain joined the war in defense of Belgium. Invasion of Russia was also harder than expected because Russia mobilized very quickly. 


Why did the Russian's exit WW1?

After Czar Nicholas took over as General of the army Russia was losing the war and the people were striking.

Germany helped smuggle Lenin back into Russsia and Lenin was able to overthrow the govmnt by promising an end to the war and a redistribution of the means of production (peace, land, bread).

Lenin's general Trotsky pulls Russia out and signs the Treaty of Brest Litovsk with Germany in March 1918. The war wouldn't fully end until Nov of that yr. 


When did the US enter WWI and why?

US had been neutral throughout the war. In 1917 after the sinking of British ocean liner The Lusitania as a result of unrestricted submarine warfare. British and American civilians on board were killed.

Wilson enters the war on the side of their British/French allies. 


What was Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points?

A plan presented to US Congress outlining the way to adequately protect Europe against Germany


Explain the timeline of 4 major events which transpired after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, starting the war between AH/Germany and Russia/France

Serbs shoot the Archduke

1. Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia

2. Russia declares war on Austria Hungary

3. Germany/AH declare war on Russia

4. France declares war on Germany


What type of poster is depicted below? What is its message? Why would something like this be used in Great Britain?

Governments used propaganda as a way to gain support for the war effort, this is a propaganda poster.

The poster encourages enlisting in the military through an idea of "duty" and responsibility to step into place as a soldier. This poster shows a united Britain, with all members of society going to war together. Everyone is shown carrying the tools of their trade or profession, with civilians gradually transforming into British infantrymen. 


Who was the "red army"?

The communist Bolsheviks named themselves the "communist party" and later the "Red Army" when they fought in the Russian Civil War. After Russia exited WWI, they broke out into civil war internally over the embarrassment of the loss and hatred for the Bolsheviks

The Red Army, led by Trotsky, was victorious in solidifying the communist state. 


Who were the Big Three and what were their main ideas when it came to Germany?

Woodrow Wilson - peace, fairness, diplomacy, League of Nations

Clemenceau - revenge, reparations, demilitarization, land for France

George - stability, reparations, power for GB


What compromise was made at the Treaty of Versailles? How did it all turn out?

League of Nations created by the US doesn't join

Germany pays back billions in reparations

Germany is demilitarized and gives up its colonies

Creation of the Rhine buffer zone between France/Germany


Describe the causes of WWI (other than just the assassination)



Industrialization and Imperialism



Describe the major differences between the western and eastern fronts including geography, major events or battles, style of warfare, and overall role in the war. 

Eastern front - border of Russia/Germany. Wide open land with a lot of space, fewer battles with larger armies making sweeping movements. Ended with the Treaty of Brest Litovsk.

Western front - border of France/Germany. Small amount of land, trench warfare. Long war of attrition with little victory, huge death toll. Ended with the end of the war on Armistice Day 


How are communism and capitalism different in regards to means of production, power, and society?

Means of production: Communism thinks all workers should own the means of production, capitalists think business owners should own

Power: Communism distributes power amongst the people(best case) but power often falls in the hands of one person or group (worst case), capitalism holds the power amongst the rich owners

Society: Communism seeks a peaceful and altruistic society where everyone works together, Capitalism naturally has social classes of rich/poor.


How did the end of WWI lay the foundations for a rise of Germany's Nazi regime? 

Germany was stripped of power, embarrassed, in debt, and broken into smaller pieces.

The loss inspired many Germans to seek a new leader who would bring Germany back to great power


How did trench warfare affect the physiological and psychological welfare of soldiers in WW1?

Trench warfare caused mass casualties, injuries, and death which affected both the physical and mental welfare of people. 

Trench foot, spread of disease, PLUS the style of war itself involves gruesome methods like poisonous gas, flame throwers, machine guns, no man's land etc. 

The trauma and brutality of the war would go on to scar an entire generation of men and women and change society forever.