Causes of WW1
Combat and Companions
Section 1.2
The Western Front
What acronym can be used to recount the survival strategies of European countries at the time of the early 20th century and also represents the causes of WW1?



Daily Double

True or False.

WW1 was the first major conflict that trench warfare tactics were so heavily adopted.



True or false, during WW1, the government recommended citizens on Canadian soil eat more vegetables so they could resist the Spanish Flu.

False, to conserve meat and wheat, so that protein could be provided to soldier and wheat, a food product that wouldn't spoil as easily as veges, could be shipped overseas to the battle space.


What was __________ battalion number 2? Describe the duties of the battalion.


All Black Canadian battalion.

Facilitated structural and logistics work, supporting the war effort.


In grade 10, Mr.Bozzo and his classmates made a video submission for which major historical event of the 20th century. Answer correctly and he may dig it up.



Which MAIN survival strategy relates most to a celebration like the 4th of July?

N, Nationalism.


What's the title of the political cartoon that less than accurately describes how each participating country became involved in WW1?

The Chain of Friendship


The _____ _____ refers to the civilians, including women, men, children and teenagers, who worked in various ways to help the country cope as tens of thousands of soldiers fought overseas – young men normally employed in factories, on farms and in the cities.

Home Front


What was most notable about the battle of the Somme?

The size of the conflict, the # of soldiers involved, and # of casualties, that no progress was truly made for either side.


What was the Canadian policy regarding hopeful FNMI enlistees at the outset of the war?

They weren't initially considered, however the volume of FNMI volunteers influenced this policy to change.

What does each letter of MAIN stand for?

Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism


Which countries formed the Triple Entente?

Britain, France, and Russia.


What was the most pertinent reason for PM Borden's conscription mandate?

More casualties than volunteers.


Why is the 2nd Battle of Ypres historically significant in a Canadian context?

First time chlorine gas was used at scale, post-war its use was outlawed. Canadian forces persevered where others had struggled.


What happened to the cost of many goods because of the war effort? Why?

Price went up. Mismatch in supply and demand spurred by fueling of the war effort and reduced work force.


Why was Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated?

Because he was expected to be the successor (next person in power) in Austria-Hungary and had plans to incorporate Serbia into Austria-Hungary.


Which countries formed the Triple Alliance? Did the Triple Alliance have more military might than the Triple Entente?

What is Italy, Germany and Austria-Hungary.

No, they had less by no small margin.


Borden cued an election, which he won handedly, in order to enact the Military Service Act ((conscription) mandatory military service).

Wilfrid Laurier, the leader of the opposition at the time, shared his thoughts on the real reason Borden sought to enact conscription. It was..

To ensure French Canada contributed its fair share to the Canadian war effort.


Describe the cartoon titled, "Grin and Bear it". What was the intended meaning, recount the inaccuracy. 

To show the strain of military effort on Canadian citizens. Outdated military uniform, not representative of equipment for trench warfare but a signifier of soldiers.


Describe the historic dynamic (precedent) between European empire/states since the year 814, that contributed to the cause WW1.

Frequent conflict over borders, territories and resources. A conquest or decline mentality was created because of it.


What was the Schleiffen Plan and how did it backfire?

Germany anticipated that Russia would be slow to mobilize and didn't want to fight battles on two fronts at once, so they sought to act swiftly and catch France off-guard by attacking through Belgium.

Russia mobilized faster than expected and Britain kept their guarantee of neutrality to Belgium. 


French Canada was less enthusiastic about contributing to the war effort than their English speaking counterparts. Why?

The disparity (difference) in sentiment (feeling) created strain between which groups? What were government officials afraid might happen?

Language barriers, French Canadians felt that Canadian involvement in WW1 was largely due to loyalty to Britain, a power they themselves did not share loyalty with.

French and English Canadians, that Quebec would leave Canada.


Which of battle of Canadian involvement is considered most historically significant, argue for your point.

Answers may vary.