Pre-War to 1914
WWI: 1914-1918
Post-War: CoV vs. VT

Explain European alliances leading up to World War I. Include the following topics: Bismarck's diplomacy, Kaiser Wilhelm II's recklessness, the Triple Entente, the Triple Alliance; did alliances make major war more or less likely?

Bismarck's diplomacy: wanted to avoid 2-front war, made alliance with Russia

Wilhelm II's recklessness: broke alliance with Russia, built up navy against Great Britain, scared everyone

Triple Entente: Britain, France, Russia; vs. Germany

Triple Alliance: Austria, Germany, Italy; Italy bailed when the war started

Alliances made major war MORE likely, because allies got sucked into conflicts between others


Compare & Contrast the Eastern Front & the Western Front: what was the fighting like? What countries did they cut through? What was the effect on those countries?

Eastern Front: mostly through Russia; mobile warfare with armies moving across the land

Western Front: mostly through France & Belgium; trench warfare, extremely brutal stalemate

Both: very destructive for those countries


What was the main goal of the CoV?

What was the main goal of the VT?

CoV: maintain peace and stability in Europe

VT: punish Germany & make it weak


Explain the rivalries between European powers leading up to WWI. Include the following topics: imperialism, industrialization, militarism, revenge

-Imperialism: Europeans competed for colonial power in Africa & Asia

-Industrialization: Europeans competed for access to resources & markets for economic growth

-Militarism: Europeans competed in an arms race, and developed mobilization plans against each other

-Revenge: France hated Germany ever since Germany humiliated France & took Alsace-Lorraine from them during the Franco-Prussian War of 1871


Name 4 military technologies developed during World War I.

1. Military Airplanes 

2. Chemical Weapons (i.e. poison gas)

3. Military Submarines

4. Tanks (to overrun trenches)


Who were the 5 Great Powers at the CoV? Why was France included?

Who were the Big 4 at the VT? Why were Germany and Russia excluded?

CoV: Austria, Britain, France, Prussia, Russia; France included to make sure they wouldn't fight against the agreement

VT: Britain, France, Italy, U.S.A.; Germany excluded because of French hatred & British fear; Russia excluded because they had quit WWI early & were fighting a civil war (no clear govt).


Describe the relationships between Austria, Serbia, the Ottoman Empire and Russia in the Balkans before the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

Austria and Serbia were competing for influence in the Balkans as the Ottoman Empire lost control of it. Serbia wanted to unite the Slavs, but Austria was worried that would break up their empire. Russia was Slavic, so they supported Serbia.


Name 4 medical technologies developed during World War I to help the wounded.

1. Blood Banks to store large quantities of blood

2. Mobile X-Rays to find bullets & shrapnel in wounds

3. Plastic Surgery to repair damaged faces, etc.

4. Prosthetics & Rehabilitation for those who lost limbs


Compare & Contrast the CoV Concert of Europe with the VT League of Nations: whose idea were they? What were they? How well did they work?

Concert of Europe: Metternich's idea for loose collection of alliances and agreements between European countries to keep peace & prevent revolution; worked pretty well

League of Nations: Wilson's idea for a permanent international diplomatic organization, like the U.N.; failed miserably, U.S.A. bailed on it to avoid European "entanglements," powerless to prevent WW2


Explain the outbreak of World War I in 5 steps, beginning with the assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand by Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princep:

1. AAFF assassinated by GP; 2:?   3:?   4:?   5:?

1. Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated by Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princep

2. Austria declares war on Serbia

3. Russia declares war on Austria, also mobilizes against Germany

4. Germany declares war on France, invades through Belgium

5. Great Britain declares war on Germany


Give 4 reasons the U.S.A. entered World War I on the side of the Allies.

1. German submarines sank the Lusitania and other civilian ships, killing Americans.

2. The Zimmerman Telegram: Germany tried to persuade Mexico to attack the U.S.A.

3. Cultural connections with England (language, history, etc.).

4. President Wilson supported democratic Britain and France against authoritarian Germany.


What were the main results of the CoV?

What were the main results of the VT?

CoV: old countries restored, peace and stability in Europe for 40+ years

VT: old empires broken up, instability in Europe; resentment against the Allies by Germany, Italy, Japan, colonies; led to WW2 less than 20 years later.